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30 bytes added, 00:30, 20 January 2013
*[[Bladeblast (3.5e Feat)|Bladeblast]] -- for the Grimoire soulknife; perform psychic strike as an area effect
*'''[[Blood of Stone (3.5e Feat)|Blood of Stone]] ''' -- use immediate action to reduce damage taken
*'''[[Dash (3.5e Feat)|Dash]]''' -- move as a swift action; can be used instead of Mobility to meet prereqs
*[[Defensive Strike (3.5e Feat)|Defensive Strike]] -- free attack against foes who attack you
*[[Focused Energy (3.5e Feat)|Focused Energy]] -- a little more oomph with energy spells
*'''[[Iron Tide (3.5e Feat)|Iron Tide]]''' -- when using power attack, push back foes with each strike
*'''[[Quick Reconnoiter (3.5e Feat)|Quick Reconnoiter]] ''' -- lets you take stock (or gain a second wind) as a swift actin 1/encounter
*[[Ranged Feint (3.5e Feat)|Ranged Feint]] -- exactly what it sounds like
*[[Ranged Flanking (3.5e Feat)|Ranged Flanking]] -- exactly what it sounds like
*'''[[Sharpshooter (3.5e Feat)|Sharpshooter]] ''' -- vastly superior replacement for Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot*'''[[Shielded in Life (3.5e Feat)|Shielded in Life]] ''' -- gain a mental ability score to AC*'''[[Spiritual Weapon (3.5e Feat)|Spiritual Weapon]] ''' -- like Weapon Finesse, but for any weapon, any ability score, and damage too
*[[Stilled Charge (3.5e Feat)|Stilled Charge]] -- gain all the benefits of charging without actually moving
*[[Stone Power, Grimoire (3.5e Feat)|Grimoire Stone Power]] -- a little worse than standard in the first few levels, but remains useful indefinitely
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