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|special18=When All Seems Lost
|special19= Fight or Flight 2/day
|special20="For Home!" (+4, +2)/2 day, "Let Me Help With That!"(50 lbs)
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' A hero worshiper is proficient with all simple weapons, and with light armor and shields.
'''{{Anchor|Spells}}:''' Hero worshipers can learn spells by observing their heroes over time (see "Hero" class abilities below) with the following restrictions in place.
--A hero worshiper may only use a spell learned through the hero class ability once per day.
--A hero worshiper may not cast more than three spells learned through the hero class ability of any given level in a single day (i.e. a hero worshiper can not cast more than 3 first level spells, 3 second level spells, etc, per day.
'''{{Anchor|Hardy}}:''' You automatically gain maximum hit points each time you take a level in hero worshiper.
'''{{Anchor|Light Sleeper}} {{Ex}}:''' Between wild animals, bandit, and roaming war parties, village life is never safe for long. You've learned to sleep lightly, and you are considered to be under a permanent alarm spell.
'''{{Anchor|Superstitious}} {{Ex}}:''' Your village has passed down rituals of protection against hostile magic for generations ... and one of them actually works! You gain a +2 bonus against spells from any wizardry school of your choice.
'''{{Anchor|Hero Admiration}} {{Ex}}:''' Choose one PC to designate as your hero. By spending one day observing your hero, you gain one of the following benefits:
1) You may choose any two skills you observe them using. These become class skills for you. 2) You may choose any one simple or martial weapon you observe them wielding. You become proficient in this weapon. 3) You may choose any 0 level spell you observe them casting. You may now cast this spell once per day (for further information, see the section on spells above).
You may use the hero admiration class ability once per level. If after observing your hero a for day, you do not wish to choose any of the three benefits listed above, you may simply continue observing your hero daily, choosing a benefit on the day you choose.
This ability is replaced by Hero Reverence at level 6.
'''{{Anchor|"Let Me Help With That (50 lbs)}} {{Ex}}:''' You want to carry your fair share of the responsibilities on this adventure, and why not do that, literally? You may carry up to 10 lbs of your allies' equipment without it counting against your carrying capacity.
This increases to 20 lbs at level 5, 30 lbs at level 10, 40 lbs at level 15, and 50 lbs at level 20.
'''{{Anchor|"Here!"}} {{Ex}}:''' How many times is a hero's life saved by having just the right weapon or magical object at just the right time. And guess who's job it is to make sure they have that item?
At level 10, you may attempt to give one ally an item as a swift action (provoking no attack of opportunity), two allies an item as a move action (provoking an attack of opportunity), or three allies an item as a standard atction (provoking an second attack of opportunity if adjacent creatures can take it).
'''{{Anchor|Place in this World}}:''' You are starting to get a sense of who you are and what kind of role you might play in the party. You can freely multiclass between hero worshiper and any one class of your choice.
'''{{Anchor|Peasant Revolt}} {{Ex}}:''' Your hatred of nobility runs strong. You automatically confirm any critical hit against any person or creature of nobility.
'''{{Anchor|Medium Armor Proficiency}}:''' If your hero you selected at level 2 is proficient in medium armor, you gain proficiency, as well. You also gain proficiency in any shields they can wield (except for tower shields). If your hero selected at level 2 does not have these proficiencies, you gain them immediately upon selecting an additional hero in the future who does.
'''{{Anchor|Hardier}}:''' You now use a d8 hit die for all future Hero Worshiper levels (it is not retroactive). In addition, you gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against poisons and diseases.
'''{{Anchor|Hero Reverence}} {{Ex}}:'''Choose a second PC as a hero. This new hero does not replace the old hero; you now have two heros. By spending one day observing either of your heroes (you must choose one), you gain one of the following benefits: 1) You may choose any two skills you observe them using. You may add your Intelligent modifier (if any) as a bonus to checks done with these skills, and they become class skills if you are not already. 2) You may choose any one simple or martial weapon you observe them wielding. You gain weapon focus with this weapontype, and you become proficient in this weapon if you are not already. Using Hero Reverence a second time and selecting the same weapon a second time grants weapon specialization. 3) You may choose any 0 level, 1 level, or 2 level spell you observe them casting. You may now cast this spell once per day (for further information, see the section on spells above).
You may use the hero reverence class ability once per level. If after observing your hero for a day, you do not wish to choose any of the three benefits listed above, you may simply continue observing your hero daily, choosing a benefit on the day you choose.
This ability is replaced by Hero Worship at level 11.
'''{{Anchor|Heavy Armor Proficiency}}:''' If either of your heroes is proficient in heavy armor, you gain proficiency, as well. You also gain proficiency in any shields they can wield, including tower shields. If neither of your current heroes has these proficiencies, you gain them immediately upon selecting an additional hero in the future who does.
'''{{Anchor|"For Home!"}} {{Ex}}:''' The world outside the village can be terrifying, but when you realize that you are fighting not just for yourself, but for them, as well, it fills you with a new courage. Once a day at level 8, you may gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, AC, saves, and skill checks. This effect lasts for 1 minute per hero worshiper level.
At level 20, your allies' bonuses increase to +2.
'''{{Anchor|Early to Rise}} {{Ex}}:''' As the excitement of your new life begins to wear off, your body starts remembering its old routines learned during a lifetime of farming. You now require only four hours to be fully rested, and you need only four hours to prepare spells.
'''{{Anchor|"No!"}} {{Ex}}:''' For all their vigilance in battle, heroes can sometimes still miss the attack with their name on it. Once per day if one of your designated heroes suffers an attack that would drop them below 0 HP, and they are within 10ft of you, you may choose to suffer the attack, instead. You may make a fortitude save of DC 18 to take only half damage.
'''{{Anchor|Hero Worship}} {{Ex}}:'''Choose a third PC as a hero. You now have three heroes. By spending one day observing any of your heroes (you must choose one), you gain one of the following benefits:
1) You may choose any two skills you observe them using. You may take 10 on these two skills under any circumstances. You may add your Intelligent modifier (if any) as a bonus to checks done with these skills and make them class skills, if you have not done this already.
2) You may choose any one simple or martial weapon you observe them wielding. You gain a +1 to attack rolls when wielding a weapon of this type, and the weapon is considered masterwork. Using Hero Worship a second time and selecting the same weapon a second time grants a + 1 to damage rolls, and the weapon is considered magic. You gain weapon focus with this weapon type if you do not already have it when you gain a +1 to attack rolls, and you gain weapon specialization if you do not already have it when you gain a +1 to damage rolls.
3) You may choose any 0 , 1, 2, 3, or 4 level spell you observe them casting. You may now cast this spell once per day (for further information, see the section on spells above).
You may use the hero worship class ability once per level. If after observing your hero for a day, you do not wish to choose any of the three benefits listed above, you may simply continue observing your hero daily, choosing a benefit on the day you choose.
This ability is replaced by Heroic at level 17.
'''{{Anchor|Hardiest}}:''' You now use the d10 hit die for all future hero worshiper levels (this is not retroactive). In addition, once per day you may use your Fortitude save, on a Reflex or Wisdom save roll of your choice. You must announce you are doing this before the roll, however.
'''{{Anchor|Grizzled}}:''' The hard life of a villager has combined with the hard life of an adventurer to make you tougher than most. You gain +1 natural armor.
'''{{Anchor|Fight or Flight}} {{Ex}}:''' When you are near death, your instincts kick in. Once a day, at level 15, when you drop below 10% of your HP (but not if you drop below 0), you may choose to immediately come under the effects of an Enlarge Person or Freedom of Movement spell (though this is considered an extraordinary ability). The effect lasts for 1 round per hero worshiper level.
At level 19, you may use this ability a second time per day.
'''{{Anchor|When All Seems Lost}} {{Ex}}:''' Sometimes even heroes fail, and it's up to the least expected person to save the day. Once per day, you may choose to re-roll any hero's d20 roll, using your own stats, instead. The hero must use your re-roll. Just because you try to save the day, doesn't mean you always make things better ...