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Iron Tide (3.5e Feat)

60 bytes added, 23:41, 25 July 2013
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|prereqs=[[Power Attack]]
|prereq_feat1=Power Attack
|benefit=While accepting at least a -2 penalty to the Power Attack feat, you may force any foe you hit with a melee attack to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + your [[Strength]] modifier + 1/2 your BAB + penalty to attack you take from Power Attack). On a failed save, you may move them one square in any direction away from you as long as that square that is unoccupied and the square they end in can support their weight. You <br><br>After you move the foe you may also move into a square adjacent to that foe, though it but you must be end in the nearest such square (you space that fulfills these criteria: it is unoccupied, it can't move support your weight, and its distance from the foe is equal to your distance from the other side of them, for example)foe prior to activating this feat. Neither your nor your opponent's movement provokes an attack of opportunity, even from abilities that would normally allow one to take {{AoO|sa}} for any kind of movement.|special=If a foe is affected by this feat, they are immune to it until the start of your next turn. This feat may not be used when making attacks of opportunity. For every 5 levels you possess, you may move your target up to an additional square, up to a maximum of 25' at level 20, though the movement must always be in a straight line.

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