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Abomination (3.5e Prestige Class)

751 bytes removed, 07:23, 14 August 2009
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{{DnD Prestige Class Infoboxauthor|imgauthor_name=dota_abomination_by_jtsang.jpgEhSteve|imgloc=|imgsize=300px|imgcaption=Abominations are known for their insatiable hunger for living flesh.|rating_power=|raters_power=|rating_wording=|raters_wording=|rating_formatting=|raters_formatting=|rating_flavor=|raters_flavor=|authors=[[User:Ehsteve|Ehsteve]]|datecreateddate_created=17/3/09|adoptersadopter=Aarnott|dateadopteddate_adopted=
|status=Ready for review
|typeimg=Combat Focused, Bad Guydota_abomination_by_jtsang.jpg}}{{3.5e PrC Semantic|descdescription=Abominations have been present throughout history, some making themselves well known such as the Frankenstein monster, whilst many have tried to emulate their hideous appearance, it takes a truly twisted and deformed mind to create such a being. Though it takes much more vision to become one as opposed to giving life to one...
{| class="{{zebra d20}}"|+ <div>{{#anc:Anchor|Table: The Abomination}}</div>
<p>Hit Die: d12</p>
! [[SRD:Saving Throw#Fortitude|Fort]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Reflex|Ref]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Will|Will]]
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 1st || +1 || +2 || +0 || +2
| class="left" |[[#Cannibalize|Cannibalize]], [[#Unsightly|Unsightly]], [[#Must Feed!|Must Feed!]], [[#Mutilation|Mutilation]] || +1
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 2nd || +2 || +3 || +0 || +3
| class="left" |[[#Fortification|Fortification]] 25%, [[#Master of the Flesh|Master of the Flesh]] || +1
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 3rd || +3 || +3 || +1 || +3
| class="left" | [[#Mutilation|Mutilation]] || +1
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 4th || +4 || +4 || +1 || +4
| class="left" | [[#Improved Grab|Improved Grab]], [[#So Hungry...|So Hungry...]] || +2
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 5th || +5 || +4 || +1 || +4
| class="left" | [[#Fortification|Fortification]] 50%, [[#Mutilation|Mutilation]] || +2
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 6th || +6 || +5 || +2 || +5
| class="left" | [[#Meat Hook|Meat Hook]] || +2
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 7th || +7 || +5 || +2 || +5
| class="left" | [[#Mutilation|Mutilation]] || +3
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 8th || +8 || +6 || +2 || +6
| class="left" | [[#Fortification|Fortification]] 75%, [[#Massive Bulk|Massive Bulk]] || +3
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 9th || +9 || +6 || +3 || +6
| class="left" | [[#Mutilation|Mutilation]] || +3
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 10th || +10 || +7 || +3 || +7
| class="left" | [[#Fortification|Fortification]] 100%, [[#Living Dead|Living Dead]] || +4
| colspan="42" class="skill" |
'''Class Skills (2 + [[Int]] modifier per level)'''<br/>
{| class="{{zebra d20}}"|+ {{#anc:Anchor|Table: The [[SRD:Epic Level Basics|Epic]] Abomination}}
! Level || Special || Flesh Barrier<br>AC Bonus
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 11th|| class="left" | || +4
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 12th|| class="left" | || +4
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 13th|| class="left" | [[#Bonus Feats|Bonus Feat]] || +5
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 14th|| class="left" | || +5
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 15th|| class="left" | || +5
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 16th|| class="left" | [[#Bonus Feats|Bonus Feat]] || +6
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 17th|| class="left" | || +6
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 18th|| class="left" | || +6
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 19th|| class="left" | [[#Bonus Feats|Bonus Feat]] || +7
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 20th|| class="left" | || +7
All of the following are class features of the abomination.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Cannibalize}} ([[Ex]]):''' At 1st level, an abomination has the ability to consume fresh corpses and repair their own deformed bodies with surgical supplementation. The abomination can spend a [[standard action]] to devour a body that has been dead for no longer than one day. After consuming part of the corpse, he heals 2 [[SRD:Loss of Hit Points|Hit Points]] per racial [[Hit Dice|Hit Die]] of the deceased creature (2 hitpoints if the creature has no racial HD). If the amount healed would raise him above his maximum hitpoints, he gains he remainder as temporary hitpoints, to a maximum of twice his abomination class level. A corpse can only be cannibalized once and only consumes part of the corpse.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Must Feed!}} ([[Ex]]):''' At 1st level, the abomination gains an incredible hunger for living flesh. To feed his hunger he bites off pieces of his prey and revels in the prey's pain and suffering. The abomination gains a bite attack if he does not already have one, that deals 1d6 damage + his Strength modifier (for medium abominations). See [[SRD:Weapon_Qualities#Damage|Table: Weapon Damage by Size]] for larger or smaller abominations.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Unsightly}} ([[Ex]]):''' An abomination did not simply get named as such as some sort of joke, they are physically repulsive and continue to degrade drastically as they continue down the path of self-mutilation. Starting at 1st level, the abomination takes a -2 penalty on all charisma-based checks (except [[Use Magic Device]] and [[Intimidate]]) and gains a +2 bonus to [[Intimidate]] checks against living creatures for every [[#Mutilation|Mutilation]] he gains.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Flesh Barrier}} ([[Ex]]):''' By draping his body in the carrion of his fallen enemies, the abomination lumbers around coated in a layer of the dead which may shield him from the full impact of physical harm. Starting at 1st level the abomination gains a +1 bonus to armor class. This bonus increases every three levels thereafter (+2 at 4th, +3 at 7th, +4 at 10th).
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Mutilation}}:''' At 1st level and every other level thereafter, the abomination chooses one of the following mutilations to add to his body:
''Bloated Body ([[Ex]]):'' The body of the abomination swells from either infection or the sheer mass of flesh he acquired from cannibalizing corpses. The abomination's size increases by one size category. This mutilation can be selected a second time starting at 7th level.
''Gruesome Appendage ([[Ex]]):'' The abomination, through a rather grotesque and barbaric process, removed an arm extension from a living creature and sewed the appendage onto his own body. The abomination gains a fully functional extra arm. It can be placed wherever the abomination decides to place it (this has no mechanical game effect). This mutilation can be taken a second time starting at 5th level.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Fortification}} ([[Ex]]):''' As the layers of flesh and cadaver builds up upon the abomination's own body, it becomes increasingly hard to strike at the vital areas, covered by multiple layers of varying origin. At 2nd level, the abomination gains a 25% chance to avoid the extra damage granted by an attacker's [[Sneak_attack#Class_Features|sneak attack]] or [[Critical_hit#Critical_Hits|critical hit]] like the [[SRD:Fortification|light fortification]] armor ability. This chance increases to 50% at 5th level, 75% at 8th level, and 100% at 10th level.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Master of the Flesh}} ([[Ex]]):''' At 2nd level, the abomination allows the diseases and toxins that are present in the flesh he wears to battle against foreign infections. He gains immunity to disease and poison of both a mundane and magical nature.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Improved Grab}} ([[Ex]]):''' At 4th level an abomination gains the [[Improved Grab]] feature with his bite attacks.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|So Hungry...}} ([[Ex]]):''' At 4th level an abomination can attempt to completely consume the creature he is biting, forcing it down his gullet and digesting it whilst it still lives. He may now [[SRD:Swallow Whole|Swallow Whole]] his opponents. After being swallowed, the creature is dealt his bite damage plus an additional 2d8 acid damage from his corrosive stomach acid. To escape his stomach, the creature must use a light piercing or slashing weapon to deal (Abomination's class level + 2 x [[Constitution]] modifier) damage to his throat or stomach lining, which has an AC equal to 10 + the abomination's [[Constitution]] modifier + 1/2 the abomination's natural armor bonus. His stomach has room for one creature that is one size category smaller than him, two creatures that are two size categories smaller, four creatures that are three size categories smaller, etc. Any creature that is killed inside his stomach immediately counts as being Cannibalized.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Meat Hook}} ([[Ex]]):''' At 6th level an abomination can fire a barbed hook that is strung along a 30 ft. length of intestines. As a [[standard action]], the abomination makes a ranged touch attack against a target within 30 ft. If he hits, the target takes 1d6 damage per abomination level and must make an opposed strength check against the abomination. The the target fails the strength check, it is moved adjacent to the abomination and the abomination can make a free trip attempt against the target.
The intestines attached to the meat hook have a hardness of 1/3 the abomination's class level and hitpoints of 1/2 the abomination's class level. It takes the abomination 1 hour and a fresh corpse to rebuild its meat hook. The meat hook may be concealed inside the abomination's stomach as a [[SRD:Full-Round Actions|full-round action]] which does not provoke an [[SRD:Attacks of Opportunity|attack of opportunity]], the abomination gains a +10 to this [[Sleight of Hand|sleight of hand]] check.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Massive Bulk}} ([[Ex]]):''' At 8th level, the abomination can use its mountainous bulk to absorb attacks. Against any spell or ability that requires a [[SRD:Reflex|Reflex]] saving throw, he can make a [[SRD:Fortitude|Fortitude]] saving throw instead.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Living Dead}} ([[Ex]]):''' At 10th level, the abomination has become a monstrous fusion of undeath and organic flesh. He is treated as Undead for spells and effects, with a turn resistance of half his abomination class level. He gains the following traits:
* Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
|+ [[SRD:Knowledge|knowledge]] (religion)
! DC || class="left" | Result
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 11 || class="left" | Abominations are cannibalistic creatures that have an unending appetite and cover themselves with the flesh of creatures.
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 16 || class="left" | Some abominations can eat creatures whole.
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 21 || class="left" | Abominations fight with several vicious techniques that make them difficult to escape from.
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 26 || class="left" | A result of 26 or higher can bring out information about specific abominations, lore about them, their location, and recent activities.
'''Sample Encounter:''' Pudge, a human Abomination was thrown out of his barbarian tribe for his cannibalistic tenancies. He now is on his way home to turn his tribe into a new layer of flesh for his body and a large meal.
{{:Pudge (DnD 3.5e NPC)}}
''EL whatever:'' 11
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