Loophole shut!
|editing=Mechanical changes on Talk please.
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'''{{Anchor|AC Bonus}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''' When unarmored and unencumbered, the mimic adds her [[SRD:Wisdom|Wisdom]] bonus (if any) to her [[SRD:AC|AC]]. These bonuses to [[SRD:AC|AC]] apply even against [[SRD:Touch Attack|touch attacks]] or when the mimic is [[SRD:Flat-Footed|flat-footed]]. She loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or [[SRD:Helpless|helpless]], when she wears any armor, when she carries a shield, or when she carries a medium or heavy load.
'''{{Anchor|Mimicry}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|Su]]):''' A mimic can copy effects which have happened just moments before, to such an extent that it was as if they had done the event in the first place. A mimic can duplicate the effect of one action which has occurred the round previous, be it duplicating the casting of a spell, the nature of a sword strike, the use of a skill check, and other abilities as if they possessed the means to do so themselves. Mimicked actions take as long as they took for the original action, but regardless of the time it takes to mimic an action, the mimic can only use mimicry once per round. You do not need to target the same person with the mimed attacked or ability, though they must be a valid target. Mimicry uses the mimic's ability scores and skill ranks for determining the nature of the duplicated effect, and must apply to certain restrictions. Mimics can only duplicate actions from willing targets and cannot duplicate enemy actions until they receive Mimic Opponent at level 5. A mimic can attempt mimicry of any action she can observe, and within 120 ft. of the mimic. They cannot mimic an action which itself is a mimicry, so they can't mimic their previous mimicry or a mimicry of an ability from another mimic.
A mimic can duplicate a physical attack as if they equipped a weapon identical to the person they are mimicking, including all the weapons properties and enhancements. If they duplicate the firing of a bow as a standard action, they may fire one shot at any target as if they held an identical bow at their appropriate size, using their abilities score and BAB. If the person they are duplicating used a full-attack action to fire multiple shots, then the mimic must use a full attack action and also fire multiple shots. They do not need to be targeted at the same targets as the person they are copying from, but it does need to be the same type of action. The mimic cannot choose to duplicate a full-attack with a bow as a single attack as a standard action. When firing, a shadowy copy of the weapon briefly comes into play, the mimic is considered proficient in what they are wielding, and regardless of the size of the original weapon, the duplicated weapon is always at the size appropriate for the mimic. The mimic must have enough hands free to hold the weapon, or the mimicked attack fails.