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Superstitious Barbarian (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

151 bytes added, 06:34, 29 October 2013
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'''Raging Spell Resistance:''' At 5th level, the superstitious barbarian receives [[SRD:Spellcasting Harrier|Spellcasting Harrier]] as a bonus feat. He does not need to qualify for the feat. This replaces ''improved uncanny dodge''.
'''Break Magic's Grasp:''' At 14th level, the superstitious barbarian wrestles out of magic's hold on him just as easily as wrestling out of a grapple. As a move action he can gain another saving throw against any magical effect which has a duration and saving throw. He can't use this if unable to take a move action, such as being dead or unable to control their own body.  In addition, he may now toggle the spell resistance granted by raging spell resistance as a free action, allowing him to drop it for useful spells. This replaces ''indomitable will''.
'''Untouchable Mind:''' At 17th level, the superstitious barbarian gains the effect of ''[[SRD:Mind Blank|mind blank]]'' whenever raging. If affected by a mind-affecting effect he may expend a rage attempt as a free action to become immune for an instant and negating the effect. This replaces ''tireless rage''.

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