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Alien Atomizer (3.5e Equipment)

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|summary=<!-- Write a shortA small, concise description. This shows up only on silly looking gun that can turn the navigation pagesmightiest wizard into a puff of smoke. -->
A weapon from outer space, the alien atomizer is a extremely deadly weapon, however it ammo is rare and almost impossible to manufacture without the right technology. The gun has multiple settings, each written in an alien language, for new finder finding what does what is often a guessing game. To determine the setting the alien atomizer is currently at require the user a DC 15 Knowledge (Xeno) check.
The alien atomizer can be fired in one of the following three settings: stun, kill and annihilate. When fired in stun or kill the aline alien atomizer fire a small blue ray, requiring a touch attack to hit it intended target. A creature hit by the stun setting is dealt 40d6 nonletahl nonlethal damage and must make a DC 30 fortitude save or be [[SRD:Paralyzed|paralyzed]] for 24 hours, a creature immune to paralysis is instead dazed for 1 minute. A creature delat dealt damage by the kill setting must make a DC 30 fortitude save or be reduced (alongside all it equipment) to subatomic particle, even if the save is successful the creature take 200 untyped damages. Finally the annihilate setting cause a 20 feet radius spread around the point it fired, each creature caught in the blast take 40d6 damages. Changing setting is a move action.
The alien atomizer has seemingly unlimited range in space, however because of the atmosphere it is reduced to a mere 500 feet on earth-like planets. Whenever the gun is fired it consume one [[Fusion Cell (3.5e Equipment)|fusion cell]], the alien atomizer can hold ten cell at the same time. reloading the alien atomizer is a move action taht provoke attack of opportunity. The gun can also be fired in economy setting, which does not consume energy from the cells or can even be used when no cell are present, however the projectile only do 10d6 damages (non-lethal when fired at stun setting) but cannot fire on annihilate setting.

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