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Balanced Wealth (3.5e Variant Rule)

29 bytes added, 23:09, 26 January 2014
Magic Items
Rather than use the old rules for things like magical arms and armor, these are a examples on how magical weapons scale with one's character. So instead of having a +3 Shocking Flaming Corrosive sword, which deals 1d6 damage of each of the above types, a +3 Flaming sword would deal 3d6 fire damage instead. Weapons may choose one damage enhancement, one boost enhancement, and to be made of a special material enhancement (such as cold iron, adamantine, and so on); with only one enhancement, the weapon is considered a Least magic item, and with two the weapon counts as a Lesser magic item, and with three the weapon is considered a Greater magic item. Armors may have one magical enhancement, and a special material enhanecement (such as mithral, adamantine, and so on). A single enhancement causes the armor to be a Least magic item, while two makes the armor a Lesser magic item. The DM may rule that some materials (such as silvered weapons) are so common that they do not raise the rank of an item.
Some items are special; they are artifacts. Artifacts have a specific level that they come with, and characters who use them that are below the specified level are brought up to that levelfor the purpose of that item. For example, let's say the Pelee's Wrath is a level 17 Flaming Longsword of Speed. In the hands of a character whose level was less than 17, it would be a weapon that dealt +4d6 Fire damage, and one could make an extra attack with it when full attacking. It would be the same in the hands of a level 20 character, but would deal +5d6 damage, since their natural level was greater than the level of the artifact.
Damage Enhancement Examples:

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