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Balanced Wealth (3.5e Variant Rule)

282 bytes added, 08:58, 27 January 2014
==== Crafting ====
All crafting feats are gone under this variant, and any character who possesses only PC class levels with enough downtime (at least three days) can craft any permanent (non-consumable) item that a character 3 levels below them would be able to wear or wield, but only once per level. Characters do not require the ability to cast in order to create magical items. The two three exceptions are Craft Scribe Scroll and , Brew Potion, and Craft Wand, as follows.*A character with Craft Scribe Scroll may spend an hour once every 24 hours (usually upon waking) to craft up to three scrolls of any spell level he knows. These become inert and lose their potency should any further scrolls be crafted on any following day.
*A character with Brew Potion may spend an hour once every 24 hours (usually upon waking) to brew five potions that he would normally be able to brew. These become inert and lose their potency should any further potions be brewed on any following day.
*A character with Craft Wand may spend an hour once every 24 hours (usually upon waking) to craft one wand of a spell that he could cast which has 10 charges. If the character has access to Least items, they can craft a wand containing 1st level spells, 2nd or 3rd if they have access to Lesser items, and 4th if they have access to Greater items. These become inert and lose their potency should any further wands be crafted on any following day.
Note that while the normal cost to craft these is replaced, the crafter must still provide the right number of material components for each spell as normal, including costly ones (one for each scroll scribed, one for each potion brewed, ten for each wand crafted).

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