<!-- The mug must be held in order to activate, using a minor action, thinking of whatever liquid you want it will fill up completely. Limitations include: Unable to hold any liquid outside of the mug, all liquid must be formed by the mug, can not create acid, can not create overly hot, or overly cold liquids (limits are room tempture and around 30 Degrees F), can not create magical liquids, including potions and poisons, however any normal drink that would be poison to another creator is possible. The user must be specific on ales or brews, having to remember what the drink was or the flavor when thinking of, or the mug will create a basic generic brew. All liquid formed will erase any trace amounts of previous drinks creating an always clean drink. The mug itself can not be broken by anything less then the highest of strength, pressure, or magic. -->
removed a bunch of comment brackets
{{3.5e Magic Item
|price=<!-- 3000 Gold -->|bslot=<!-- Held -->
|aura=<!-- Weak Divination. -->|act=<!-- Can form any liquid the user desires -->|weight=<!-- 1 pound -->|summary=<!-- A small 1 Liter Dwarven mug, on the handle ruins of Dwarven origin. When gripping the mug and thinking of whatever liquid the user desires it will magically fill up/ -->.
''There was always a problem when Dwarves left home, they can never find a good ale, so the Dwarves of old came up with a solution, a mug to create any drink the user desires, many were made and scattered around the world, the value of these simple magical artifacts very high for their use on long trips, or for those nostalgic for a drink from their home land.''
Prerequisites: <!-- Can not craft. <br />Cost to Create: <!-- 1/2 the base price -->, <!-- 1/25th the base price --> EXP, <!-- 1 day per 1,000 gp in the base price, minimum of 1 day --> days.
Trvia: This mug is based off the artifact of the same name from the Webcomic, Goblins Life in their eyes. http://www.goblinscomic.org/04242006/ all information is fan base to make into a usable artifact, the idea belongs to Tarol Hunt please support the webcomic.
{{3.5e <!--item category pluralized--> Breadcrumb}} <!-- where "item category pluralized" is Wondrous Items, Rings, Rods, Weapons, etc. -->
[[Category:Epic Equipment]] <!-- Keep this for epic magic items, otherwise remove --> <!--Choose one of the following four categories for your item--> [[Category:Magic]] <!-- For magic items--> <!--Choose one of the following that best fits your magic item-->[[Category:Adventuring Gear]]
[[Category:Wondrous Item]]