minor wondrous items
* '''Planar Travel''' — You may open a travel Gate as per the spell with a caster level equal to your character level as a Standard action. Once used this effect cannot be used again for 10 minutes whilst the magic recharges. You are always under the effect of an ''attune form'' spell keyed to your current plane, and any attempt to magically move you to another plane or location (e.g. teleportation) fails unless you allow it affect you.
* '''Spell Reflection''' — You gain spell resistance equal to 10 + character level. As an Immediate action you may cause a spell targeted at you which has failed to overcome your spell resistance to be reflected at the caster as if affected by a ''[[SRD:Spell Turning|spell turning]]'' spell.
== Wondrous Items ==
Wondrous Items take 15 minutes to attune or unattune, and must be worn or possessed on the person for the 15 minutes of attunement. If the item leaves your possession, you lose the benefits of the item, but remain attuned to it for 15 minutes, and it still counts against your eight items for that time.
Any spells or spell like abilities use your character level as the caster level and all save DC's for Wondrous Item abilities are determined as follows: 10 + ½ Character level + Cha modifier.
Wondrous items have a special ability, and provide a +⅓ level enhancement bonus to one of the following statistics (unless it names another bonus type):
* AC (Natural Armor)
* AC (Deflection)
* Any one Ability Score
* All saving throws (Resistance bonus)
* All saving throws you cause another creature to make with a Spell-like ability or spell.
* SR (You must already have SR)
* DR (You must already have DR)
Instead of the ⅓ level bonus, it may instead provide:
* +1 per level bonus to Energy Resistance against one energy type (Treat as enhancement bonus if you already have ER of that type.)
* +5 competence bonus to a single skill (except Use Magic Device)
=== Wondrous Item Forms ===
Wondrous items come in many shapes and sizes, however certain effects are tied to certain forms. Whilst it is possible to craft Wondrous Items in non-standard forms this is more difficult. Full rules for nonstandard items are found in the crafting rules. The iconic form of each Wondrous Item ability is given in the descriptions below.
* '''Amulets''' — These are necklaces made of precious metals including a carved medallion or pendant. They are iconically associated with protection against magic and Warding effects. They provide an enhancement bonus to Spell Resistance or Natural armor.
* '''Ring''' — A ring or bracelet consists of a band of metal set with precious stones worn around a finger or wrist. They are iconically associated with protection against physical threats and the manipulation of magical energies. They provide a Deflection bonus to Armor class or Resistance to one form of Energy.
* '''Brooch''' — Magical brooches are ostentatious clasps worn at the shoulder, sometimes appearing in the form of scarabs. They are iconically associated with magic that alters the perception of others, including Mind Affecting powers and form changing effects. They provide an enhancement bonus to Charisma.
* '''Headband''' — A headband or circlet consists of a fine cloth band or precious metal circlet set with a gem in the center. They are iconically associated with the power of Thought and specifically Arcane Magic. They provide an enhancement bonus to Intelligence.
* '''Periapt''' — A periapt is a charm or symbol, often religious in nature, fastened to a chain and worn around the forehead or neck. It can also take the form of a necklace of prayer beads. They are iconically associated with Spiritual protection, and are heavily linked to Divine magic. They provide an enhancement bonus to Wisdom.
* '''Belt''' — A magical belt can take the form of a regular belt, something more akin to a WWF Championship belt, or even a girdle (wrapping worn around the waist). Whatever their form they are iconically associated with magic concerned with the body and physical perfection. They provide an enhancement bonus to Strength.
* '''Gloves''' — Magical gloves, also found as bracers, are worn on the hands or arms. They are iconically associated with the magics of sleight of hand, manipulation and Conjuring. They provide an enhancement bonus to Dexterity.
* '''Boots''' — Magical boots allow their wearer to run for hours without feeling fatigued, and magically boost endurance. They are iconically associated with the magic of Movement and speed, however their close connection to the ground means they are also associated with Earth magic. They provide an enhancement bonus to Constitution.
* '''Cloak''' — Magical cloaks or capes are worn to keep the wearer from harm. Iconically associated with concealment and protection, their light and airy form means they are also often imbued with Air magic. A Cloak provides a resistance bonus to Saves.
* '''Rod''' — Magical rods or scepters are usually decorated with precious stones and extremely impressive. Iconically associated with magical manipulation, they provide an enhancement bonus to the Saving Throw DCs of spells and SLAs you cast.
* '''Helm''' — Magical helms, sometimes rendered as crowns, vary tremendously in appearance from dull iron caps to shining headgear fit for an Emperor. They are associated with Mental Protection and magic of the senses, and provide an enhancement bonus to Damage Resistance.
* '''Goggles''' — A Magical set of goggles or glasses (in rare cases a single lens) sharpen the vision of those that look through them. Iconically associated with magic concerned with Vision and the eyes, they provide a Competence bonus to Spot or Search. Sometimes they do nothing.
* '''Instrument''' — Magical Instruments are beloved of Bards everywhere. They are Iconically associated with sounds, Air magic (for wind instruments) and the power to Charm those who hear them being played. They provide a Competence bonus to Perform checks made with them.
=== Lesser Wondrous Item Abilities ===
* '''All Around Vision [Helms, Goggles]''' — This enhancement gives the user the ability to see in all directions, preventing enemies from flanking.
* '''Arrow Deflection [Gloves, Rings]''' — This enhancement provides the wearer with a Supernatural ability to parry or knock incoming missiles out of the air, even when not aware of them. This provides a 50% miss chance against the first physical ranged attack that targets the wearer each round.
* '''Borrowed Time [Periapts]''' — As a Swift action the user of this enhancement can borrow a small slice of time from the near future. This activates a ''[[SRD:Haste|haste]]'' effect upon the user that lasts until the start of their next action. Once this wears off the wearer is then subject to a ''[[SRD:Slow|slow]]'' effect for 1 round. Attempting to borrow time more often than once per minute locks the user in a ''[[SRD:Temporal Stasis|temporal stasis]]'' effect for 24 hours.
* '''Called [Any]''' — An item with this enhancement can be instantly fitted to the wearer's person with a swift action, teleporting if need be. It is also not automatically unattuned when removed, instead remaining as one of the wearers attuned items until they will it to unattune.
* '''Change Self [Brooches, Cloaks]''' — This enhancement allows the wearer to change their appearance with a thought, acting as a ''[[SRD:Disguise Self|disguise self]]'' at will usable as a standard action.
* '''Counterspelling [Amulets, Headbands]''' — This enhancement provides protection from arcane energies. As an Immediate action the user may attempt to counter a spell cast against them. This requires a character level check (d20 + Char level) with a DC of 10 + Caster level of the spell. If successful the spell is countered. Using this item is taxing to the wearer, and they are [[SRD:Staggered|Staggered]] for one round after successfully countering a spell. Once expended the item requires 1 hour to recharge before it can be used again.
* '''Darkvision [Helms, Goggles]''' — This enhancement gives the user the ability to see without light, as [[SRD:Darkvision|] out to 60’.
* '''Disease Immunity [Periapts, Belts]''' — The wearer of an item with this enhancement is immune to all diseases, including magical disease.
* '''Eagle Eyes [Goggles]''' — This enhancement provides the user with magically enhanced eyesight. This provides Low-Light vision and penalties to Spot checks from range are halved.
* '''Earthmastery [Boots]''' — This enhancement provides the wearer with the ability to soften unworked earth or stone as per the spell as a standard action. Up to a 10’ square area can be softened, which must be adjacent to the wearer.
* '''Featherfalling [Rings, Cloaks]''' — This enhancement activates a [[SRD:Feather Fall|feather fall]]'' spell whenever the wearer falls more than 10 feet.
* '''Firebreathing [Helms]''' — This enhancement allows the wearer to breathe out a blast of flames. Treat this as a breath weapon which deals 1d6 fire damage/level in a 30' cone (Reflex save for half damage). Once used, this power cannot be again for 1d4 rounds.
* '''Great Breath [Belts, Cloaks]''' — This enhancement allows the wearer to huff, and puff, and blow the house down. By spending a Full-round action to breathe in, the next round the wearer can release a ''[[SRD:Gust of Wind|gust of wind]]'' effect as a standard action.
* '''Lifelight [Periapts, Amulets]''' — This enhancement protects against the forces of Undeath. By holding the item aloft and Concentrating it sheds a blinding light that can be seen only by those creatures tied to Negative Energy. Treat this as a Gaze Attack to 60' only visible by undead, which forces them to make a Will save or be [[SRD:Blinded|Blinded]]. Intelligent undead can choose to avert or "close" their eyes as usual to reduce the effect.
* '''Lightning Fist [Gloves, Rings]''' — This enhancement allows the wearer to spend a standard action charging their hands with Lightning. In future rounds the wearer can attempt a touch attack or natural weapon attack to release the charge, dealing 1d6 Lightning damage per level to the target. If not used the charge dissipates after 5 rounds.
* '''Mage Hand [Amulets, Gloves]''' — This enhancement allows the user to spend a standard action to conjure a glowing hand that can manipulate objects within Close range, as per the spell ''[[SRD:Mage Hand|mage hand]]''. Controlling the hand requires Concentration, and it vanishes once the users Concentration is broken.
* '''Metamagic, Lesser [Rods]''' — A Lesser Metamagic enhancement provides the ability to apply any one Metamagic power (chosen when the item is created) with an ML of +2 or less spontaneously to up to 3 spells per day, which must be level 3 or less.
* '''Minor Arcana [Rods, Headbands]''' — This enhancement provides the user with a number of useful minor magical powers that can misdirect and confuse. The user can activate the effects of an ''[[SRD:Animate Rope|animate rope]]'', ''[[SRD:Ventriloquism|ventriloquism]]'' or ''[[SRD:Prestidigitation|prestidigitation]]'' spells as a Standard action.
* '''Ramming [Gloves, Rings]''' — As a standard action the user of this enhancement can project an invisible force that can bull rush a target within 30 feet. This is a force effect that has a strength score of 25, and counts as Large.
* '''Roaring [Helms, Belts]''' — As a standard action the wearer of this item can release a mighty shout, which can be heard up to a mile away. Everything within 10' suffers 1d8 Sonic damage/2 levels and is struck [[SRD:Deafened|Deaf]] for 10 minutes unless a Fortitude save is made. Brittle or crystalline creatures or objects instead suffer 1d6 Sonic damage/level.
* '''Sense Invisibility [Amulets, Brooches]''' — An item bearing this enhancement glows when any invisible creatures approach within 60'.
* '''Shadows [Cloak]''' — An item with this enhancement seems to be in shadow even in the midday sun. As a standard action the wearer can expand this to a 20' radius area of ''[[SRD:Darkness|darkness]]'' as per the spell that moves with the wearer.
* '''Skill Bonus [Any]''' — An item can provide a +5 competence bonus to any one skill in addition to another scaling bonus.
* '''Small Animal Summoning [Gloves]''' — An item with this enhancement contains a spirit of a Small animal of CR1 or less (e.g. cat, dog, eagle, etc. chosen when the item is created), which the wearer can summon from the item as a standard action. The animal is intelligent (Int 8) and can follow orders and communicate basic ideas to the wearer. If slain the animal's soul returns to the item and cannot be re-summoned for 1 hour.
* '''Spell Recall, Lesser [Headbands, Periapts]''' — This enhancement allows a prepared spellcaster to recall a previously cast lvl 3 or lower spell as a swift action. Once used this power cannot be used again until 8 hours have passed.
* '''Spell Effect [Any]''' — A Lesser item can create a spell effect as its magical ability. This must be a spell chosen from the 1st or 2nd level PHB Wizard or Cleric spell list that takes a standard action to cast and has a material component that costs less than 1gp and no xp cost. As a standard action the user can produce the spell effect from the item. A (Harmless) spell must take effect on the wearer of the item, for other spells the user makes all decisions as if casting it. A level 1 spell can be used 3 times before the magic is expended, whilst a level 2 spell can be used once. Once expended, the item takes 8 hours to recharge before the spell can be used again.
* '''Spellpower, Minor [Headbands, Periapts, Brooches]''' — This enhancement increases the wearers capacity for magic. This increases the number of spells the wearer can cast each day by one. This additional spell is of the highest level the character can cast, to a maximum of level 3, however the item must be worn and attuned for the entire time the character is readying/preparing their daily spells to gain the additional spell.
* '''Stability [Boots, Belts]''' — The user of this enhancement seems rooted to the ground. This provides a +4 bonus to resist Trip and Bullrush attempts, and to saving throws against any effect that would make them prone.
* '''Storing [Gloves, Belts]''' — This enhancement creates an extradimensional space within the item that can be accessed by an attuned wearer. As a swift action, the user can store or retrieve any one item, which can weigh no more than 20 pounds and must be able to be held in one hand, within this space.
* '''Striding [Boots]''' — This enhancement allows the wearer to take longer strides, and provides an Enhancement bonus of 10' to the wearer's base movement speed.
* '''Sustenance [Belts, Rings]''' — A creature no longer needs to eat or drink whilst wearing an item with this enhancement.
* '''Translation [Brooches, Headbands]''' — This enhancement allows the wearer to understand any spoken languages heard or writing read, however it does not allow them to speak or write any additional languages.
* '''Tremorsense [Boots]''' — This enhancement gives the user the ability to detect creatures within 30’ who are touching the ground as with tremor sense.
* '''Wall Walking [Boots, Gloves]''' — This enhancement provides a Climb speed equal the wearers base speed. In addition, the wearer can climb on smooth or vertical surfaces without penalty and does not need their hands free to climb.
* '''Water Breathing [Rings, Helms]''' — The wearer of this item can breathe water as if it were air.
* '''Water Walking [Boots]''' — An item with this enhancement allows the wearer to walk on any liquid (including water, snow, oil or lava) as if it were solid ground. This does not prevent any damage from contact with the liquid, and standing on violently moving liquid may involve balance checks to remain standing.
=== Moderate Wondrous Item Abilities ===
=== Greater Wondrous Item Abilities ===