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United We Stand (3.5e Maneuver)

28 bytes added, 19:56, 8 April 2014
minor clarification
{{quote|''Come with me if you want to live.''}}
As you initiate this stance, you declare an oath of service to a willing, living ally within your melee reach who can detect your presence. You become immune to fear and compulsions that would force you to act against that ally as long as they remain alive and you are in this stance.
Secondly, you gain a +1 bonus to melee attack rolls and +1d4 damage in melee against enemies that threaten the ally to whom you have sworn service. If the target has been attacked in the previous turn, the bonuses against the attackers are increased to +2 to attack and +2d4 damage, and increased again to +3 and +3d4 if they actually sustained damage from the attack(s).

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