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Diamond Body (3.5e Spell)

75 bytes added, 20:19, 3 September 2014
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As you finish casting this spell your body become a mass of raw diamonds, almost invulnerable to most traumas. You gain DR equal to your caster level/Bludgeoning you also gain 5 temporary hit point per caster level that last until depleted or the spell end, these temporary hit points do stack with other sources of temporary hit point. Once the temporary hit points granted by this spell are depleted the spell immediately end.
While under the effect of this spell you do not need to drink, eat or breath and not subject to to [[SRD:Critical Hit|critical hits]], [[SRD:Nonlethal Damage|nonlethal damage]], [[SRD:Ability Score Loss|ability damage, ability drain]], [[SRD:Fatigued|fatigue]], [[SRD:Exhausted|exhaustion]], or [[SRD:Energy Drain, Negative Levels, and Level Loss|energy drain]]. Additionally you become immune to slashing damage, [[SRD:Poison|poison]], sleep effects, [[SRD:Paralyzed|paralysis]], [[SRD:Stunned|stunning]], [[SRD:Disease|disease]] and [[SRD:Death Effect|death effects]]. However you are also unable to talk while under the effect of diamond body.
While under the effect of diamond body your unarmed attack deal slashing damage and bypass damage reduction (except DR/-).

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