'''Fan the Flames:''' You can swing the war torch in such a way to maximize coverage of the flame, not bothering to bludgeon. Doing this is a touch attack which deals twice its fire damage (2d6 for medium) but no bludgeoning damage, nor any damage from [[Strength]] or other sources. Though it is a touch attack, it is considered to be an area attack in the 5 ft square you attack in, making it super effective against swarms.
'''Flame Breath:''' If the wielder has a mouth full of flammable liquid or gas (such as drinking alcohol), they may spit it across the torch as a standard action, producing a gout of flame identical in size and strength of a ''[[SRD:Burning Hands|burning hands]]'' spell with a caster level of your BAB. Consuming a swig of alcohol is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity. The saving throw is 10 + 1/2 HD + [[Con]] modifier.
'''Quick Lit:''' You can light (or snuff) the torch as a swift action.