Created page with "{{author |author_name= SylverPhoenix |date_created= 22/12/14 |adopter= |date_adopted= |status= Complete |editing= - |balance= Very High }}<div class="blank"> Summary::Some..."
|author_name= SylverPhoenix
|date_created= 22/12/14
|status= Complete
|editing= -
|balance= Very High
}}<div class="blank">
[[Summary::Some are born with the ability to mentally influence physical matter: telekinetics]]
[[Minimum Level::0]]
[[Class Ability:: Telekinesis]]
[[Class Ability Progression:: Full]]
{{3.5e Class Alignments | Any}}
Telekinetics are born with the ability to mentally move and influence physical beings and objects
===Making a Telekinetic===
Able to use the 'Telekinesis' spell at will, with a range of 100ft + 10ft/level
'''Abilities:''' Intelligence governs telekinetic skills and abilities
'''Races:''' Any
'''Alignment:''' Any
'''Starting Gold:''' 3d4 x 10 gp (75gp)
'''[[SRD:Race Descriptions#Starting Age|Starting Age]]:''' Any
{{3.5e Class Simple
|special1=Telekinesis, Telekinetic Adaption, Focused Mind
|special4=Force Field
|special5=Dual Telekinesis
|special6=Shielding +1
|special7=Deflect Arrows Feat
|special8=Strengthened Telekinesis
|special9=Shielding +2
|special10=Triple Telekinesis
|special11=Lasting Telekinesis
|special12=Shielding +3
|special13=Strengthened Telekinesis +1
|special14=Lasting Telekinesis +1
|special15=Shielding +4
|special16=Quadruple Telekinesis
|special17=Lasting Telekinesis +2
|special18=Shielding +5
|special20=Mind Over Matter
|skillpoints=4 + Int Modifier per level
Disable Device,
Escape Artist,
Open Lock,
Sleight of Hand,
Speak Language,
====Class Features====
All of the following are class features of the <-class name->.
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' Telekinetics begin with no proficiency in armor and proficiency with any weapon that is wielded telekinetically
<br>'''Telekinesis:''' Telekinetics can use the spell 'Telekinesis' at will with 'medium' range - 100ft + 10ft/level
<br>'''Telekinetic Adaption:''' Weapons wielded telekinetically are treated to have proficiency for attack rolls
<br>'''Focused Mind:''' Concentration checks are used with Intelligence rather than constitution
<br>'''Hover:''' The Telekinetic can hover using her telekinetic ability. Hovering counts as a move action
<br>'''Shielding:''' The telekinetic's mind begins growing, her power coming through the surface of her being - providing additional AC bonus against attacks. This AC bonus is equal to her INT modifier and increases by another 1 point at levels 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18
<br>'''Force Field:''' The telekinetic can use Wall Of Force at will
<br>'''Dual Telekinesis:''' The telekinetic is growing more competent in her use of her abilities; she can now use two standard actions with her telekinesis per round, at a -5 penalty to the attack roll of her second action.
<br>'''Deflect Arrows Feat:''' The telekinetic gains the Deflect Arrows feat, using her telekinetic abilities to do so
<br>'''Strengthened Telekinesis:''' Effective strength for her telekinetic power is equal to her intelligence + her intelligence modifier. Intelligence is now used in place of any strength or dexterity check made while using telekinesis. Damage from telekinetic abilities is now increase by 1d6. At level 13 this ability strengthens, adding TWICE the telekinetics intelligence modifier to her effective telekinetic strength, and increases damage from telekinetic abilities by 2d6.
<br>'''Triple Telekinesis:''' The telekinetic is now more skilled, able to take three standard telekinetic actions per round, at a cumulative penalty of -5 for each subsequent attack after the first
<br>'''Lasting Telekinesis:''' Any telekinetic action made that has a duration now has that duration increased by one round - this extra round does not require concentration e.g. keeping an enemy grappled while not actively grappling that enemy anymore. This ability increases by another round at levels 14 and 17
<br>'''Quadruple Telekinesis:''' The telekinetic can now use four standard telekinetic actions per round, at a cumulative cost of -5 for each subsequent action after the first
<br>'''Fly:''' The telekinetic can Fly at will
<br>'''Mind Over Matter:''' The telekinetic gains +10 to her effective telekinetic strength, and can now now use Full Round Actions with her 'Quadruple Telekinesis'. Concentration to maintain telekinetic effects is now a move action if it was previously a standard action.
{{3.5e Base Classes Breadcrumb}}
[[Category:Base Class]]
|author_name= SylverPhoenix
|date_created= 22/12/14
|status= Complete
|editing= -
|balance= Very High
}}<div class="blank">
[[Summary::Some are born with the ability to mentally influence physical matter: telekinetics]]
[[Minimum Level::0]]
[[Class Ability:: Telekinesis]]
[[Class Ability Progression:: Full]]
{{3.5e Class Alignments | Any}}
Telekinetics are born with the ability to mentally move and influence physical beings and objects
===Making a Telekinetic===
Able to use the 'Telekinesis' spell at will, with a range of 100ft + 10ft/level
'''Abilities:''' Intelligence governs telekinetic skills and abilities
'''Races:''' Any
'''Alignment:''' Any
'''Starting Gold:''' 3d4 x 10 gp (75gp)
'''[[SRD:Race Descriptions#Starting Age|Starting Age]]:''' Any
{{3.5e Class Simple
|special1=Telekinesis, Telekinetic Adaption, Focused Mind
|special4=Force Field
|special5=Dual Telekinesis
|special6=Shielding +1
|special7=Deflect Arrows Feat
|special8=Strengthened Telekinesis
|special9=Shielding +2
|special10=Triple Telekinesis
|special11=Lasting Telekinesis
|special12=Shielding +3
|special13=Strengthened Telekinesis +1
|special14=Lasting Telekinesis +1
|special15=Shielding +4
|special16=Quadruple Telekinesis
|special17=Lasting Telekinesis +2
|special18=Shielding +5
|special20=Mind Over Matter
|skillpoints=4 + Int Modifier per level
Disable Device,
Escape Artist,
Open Lock,
Sleight of Hand,
Speak Language,
====Class Features====
All of the following are class features of the <-class name->.
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' Telekinetics begin with no proficiency in armor and proficiency with any weapon that is wielded telekinetically
<br>'''Telekinesis:''' Telekinetics can use the spell 'Telekinesis' at will with 'medium' range - 100ft + 10ft/level
<br>'''Telekinetic Adaption:''' Weapons wielded telekinetically are treated to have proficiency for attack rolls
<br>'''Focused Mind:''' Concentration checks are used with Intelligence rather than constitution
<br>'''Hover:''' The Telekinetic can hover using her telekinetic ability. Hovering counts as a move action
<br>'''Shielding:''' The telekinetic's mind begins growing, her power coming through the surface of her being - providing additional AC bonus against attacks. This AC bonus is equal to her INT modifier and increases by another 1 point at levels 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18
<br>'''Force Field:''' The telekinetic can use Wall Of Force at will
<br>'''Dual Telekinesis:''' The telekinetic is growing more competent in her use of her abilities; she can now use two standard actions with her telekinesis per round, at a -5 penalty to the attack roll of her second action.
<br>'''Deflect Arrows Feat:''' The telekinetic gains the Deflect Arrows feat, using her telekinetic abilities to do so
<br>'''Strengthened Telekinesis:''' Effective strength for her telekinetic power is equal to her intelligence + her intelligence modifier. Intelligence is now used in place of any strength or dexterity check made while using telekinesis. Damage from telekinetic abilities is now increase by 1d6. At level 13 this ability strengthens, adding TWICE the telekinetics intelligence modifier to her effective telekinetic strength, and increases damage from telekinetic abilities by 2d6.
<br>'''Triple Telekinesis:''' The telekinetic is now more skilled, able to take three standard telekinetic actions per round, at a cumulative penalty of -5 for each subsequent attack after the first
<br>'''Lasting Telekinesis:''' Any telekinetic action made that has a duration now has that duration increased by one round - this extra round does not require concentration e.g. keeping an enemy grappled while not actively grappling that enemy anymore. This ability increases by another round at levels 14 and 17
<br>'''Quadruple Telekinesis:''' The telekinetic can now use four standard telekinetic actions per round, at a cumulative cost of -5 for each subsequent action after the first
<br>'''Fly:''' The telekinetic can Fly at will
<br>'''Mind Over Matter:''' The telekinetic gains +10 to her effective telekinetic strength, and can now now use Full Round Actions with her 'Quadruple Telekinesis'. Concentration to maintain telekinetic effects is now a move action if it was previously a standard action.
{{3.5e Base Classes Breadcrumb}}
[[Category:Base Class]]