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Telekinetic, Variant (3.5e Class)

2,224 bytes added, 11:14, 24 December 2014
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|author_name= SylverPhoenix
|date_created= 2223/12/14
|balance= Very High
}}<div class="blank">
[[Summary::Some are born with The telekinetic uses her powers to wreck havoc on enemies by throwing objects, and beings, around the ability to mentally influence physical matter: telekineticsbattlefield]][[Minimum Level::0]][[Class Ability:: TelekinesisTelekinetic Thrust, Telekinetic Force, Telekinetic Maneuver]]
[[Class Ability Progression:: Full]]
{{3.5e Class Alignments | Any}}
Telekinetics are born with the ability The telekinetic uses her powers to mentally move cause damage and influence physical beings and objectsdestruction
===Making a Telekinetic===
'''Abilities:''' Intelligence governs telekinetic skills and abilitiesis the primary stat for telekinetics.
'''Races:''' Any
'''Starting Gold:''' 3d4 x 10 gp (75gp)
'''[[SRD:Race Descriptions#Starting Age|Starting Age]]:''' AnyComplex
{{3.5e Class Simple
|classname=Telekinetic|hitdie=6|length=20|bab=Moderate|fort=Poor|ref=Poor|will=Good|special1=TelekinesisTelekinetic Thrust, Telekinetic Maneuver, Telekinetic AdaptionForce, Focused MindAll For One, Wild Talent|special2=Hover|special3=ShieldingAll For One +1|special4=Force FieldDeflect Arrow|special5=Long Range telekinesisAll For One +2, Telekinetic Strength|special6=Shielding +1Force Field|special7=Deflect Arrows FeatAll For One +3|special8=Strengthened TelekinesisTwo Hands|special9=Shielding All For One +24|special10=Telekinetic ExplosionStrength +1|special11=Lasting TelekinesisAll For One +5|special12=Shielding +3Snatch Arrow|special13=Strengthened Telekinesis All For One +16|special14=Lasting Telekinesis +1Deflect Arrow Mythic|special15=Shielding All For One +7, Telekinetic Strength +43|special16=Crushing HeartFly|special17=Lasting Telekinesis All For One +28|special18=Shielding +5Wall Of Force Mythic|special19=FlyAll For One +9|special20=All For One +10, Mind Over Matter|skillpoints=4 + Int Modifier per levelMod
Disable Device,
Escape Artist,
Knowledge (all),Listen,
Open Lock,
Search,Sleight of Hand, Spot,
All of the following are class features of the Telekinetic.
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' Telekinetics begin The Telekinetic begins with no proficiency in armor and simple weapon proficiency with any weapon that is wielded telekinetically.
<br>'''Telekinesis:''' Telekinetics can use the spell 'Telekinesis' at will with 'medium' range - 50ft. The weight Effective telekinetic strength and telekinetic carrying capacity and effective strength of this telekinesis is based on upon the user's telekinetics intelligence score. E.g. Intelligence of 18 = 300lbs telekinetic carrying capacity.300 lbs''' '''The distance an enemy can be hurled is equal to (Intelligence modifier x 5 feet)''' <br>'''Telekinetic Adaption:range is 60ft''' Weapons wielded telekinetically are treated to have proficiency for attack rolls<br>'''Focused MindTelekinetic Thrust(Su) :''' Concentration checks are used You can affect one or more objects or creatures by concentrating your mind upon, sending them in a deadly hail at your foes—or simply by hurling your foe! You can hurl one object or creature.  You must succeed on ranged attack rolls to hit the target of hurled items with the items, applying your Intelligence rather than constitutionmodifier to the attack roll instead of your Dexterity modifier. Hurled weapons deal their standard damage (your Strength bonus does not apply; arrows or bolts deal damage as daggers of their size when used in this manner). Other objects deal damage ranging from 1 point per 25 pounds of weight (for less dangerous objects such as an empty barrel) to 1d6 points per 25 pounds of weight (for hard, dense objects such as a boulder). Creatures are allowed Will saves (and power resistance) to negate the effect, as are those whose held possessions are targeted by this power.If you use this power to hurl a creature against a solid surface, it takes damage as if it had fallen 10 feet (1d6 points). Enemies thrown into other enemies take full damage, the target enemy taking full damage too on failing a reflex save (zero damage on a successful reflex save)  <br>'''HoverTelekinetic Maneuver(Su):''' The Telekinetic You can affect a foe by concentrating your mind upon its current status and the status you desire, once per round. You can hover using her telekinetic abilityperform a bull rush, a disarm, a grapple (including a pin), or a trip. Hovering counts Resolve these attempts as normal, except that they don’t provoke attacks of opportunity, you use your manifester level in place of your base attack bonus (for disarm and grapple attempts), you use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier, and a failed attempt doesn’t allow a move actionreactive attempt by the target (such as normally allowed on disarm or trip attempts). No save is allowed against these attempts, but power resistance applies normally. <br>'''ShieldingTelekinetic Force(Su):''' The telekinetic's You move an object by concentrating your mind begins growingupon its current location and then the location you desire, her creating a sustained force. You can move an object weighing no more than 250 pounds up to 20 feet per round. A creature can negate the effect on an object it possesses with a successful Will save or with power coming resistance. The weight can be moved across the ground or through the surface air. This power ends if the object is forced out of her being - providing range. If you cease concentration, the object falls or stops.You can drop a weight and pick up another during the power’s duration, as long as you don’t stop concentrating on maintaining the power. An object can be telekinetically manipulated as if you were moving it with one hand.If you spend at least 5 rounds concentrating on an enhancement bonus unattended object, you can attempt to break or burst it as if making a Strength check, except that you apply your key ability modifier to natural armourthe check instead of your Strength modifier. '''All For One:''' The telekinetic focuses on damaging the environment rather than moving many objects at once. When attacking with telekinesis the damage inflicted is increased by 1d6. This AC bonus is equal to her INT modifier and increases by another 1 point at 1d6 every two levels 6after the first (3, 95, 127, 15 9 etc) and 18then another at level 20 <br>'''Force FieldWild Talent:''' The telekinetic Your latent power of psionics flares to life, conferring upon you the designation of a psionic character. As a psionic character, you can use Wall Of Forcetake psionic feats, at willmetapsionic feats, within her telekinetic rangeand psionic Item Creation feats. <br>'''Long Range TelekinesisHover(Su):''' Telekinesis now has The telekinetic can hover at 1/2 her speed, at-will, as a range of 100ftmove action <br>'''Deflect Arrows FeatArrow:''' Telekinetic The telekinetic gains the Deflect Arrows Featdeflect arrows feat, able to use her telekinesis to deflect arrows. AT level 14 this feat becomes the mythic version, able to deflect half her tier number arrows <br>'''Strengthened TelekinesisTelekinetic Strength:''' Effective strength for The telekinetic becomes more proficient with her telekinetic power is equal to her intelligence +4. Intelligence is now used in place of any dexterity check made while using telekinesis. Damage from telekinetic attacks are now increase by 1d6. At level 13 this ability strengthens, adding another gaining: 10ft extra range, 5ft extra enemy throwing distance, +4 2 to her effective telekinetic strengthand carrying capacity strength score. These bonuses are doubled at level 10, and increases damage from telekinetic attacks by another 1d6then tripled at level 15.<br>'''Telekinetic ExplosionForce Field(Su):''' The telekinetic can release a spherical blast of telekinetic energy in a 20ft radius centered on themuse the Wall Of Force spell as an at-will, dealing 1d6/ every three class level damagepsi-like ability, knocking enemies back 30 feet and knocking them proneat her telekinetic range. Fortitude save equals half damage and half knockback, enemy The Force Field's duration is not knocked prone. Huge creatures are knocked back 15 ft on a failed save.concentration based <br>'''Lasting TelekinesisTwo Hands:''' Any The telekinetic action made that has a duration now has that duration increased by one round - this extra round does not require concentration e.g. keeping can make an enemy grappled while not actively grappling that enemy anymoreattack with each hand at the same time. This ability increases by another round at levels 14 The cost of this is her BAB and 17extra damage from All For One is halved between the two attacks <br>'''Crushing HeartSnatch Arrow:''' The telekinetic can take a full round action to crush an enemy's heart. The target must succeed on a Fortitude saving throw (DC 15 + Telekinetics Int modifier) or die horrifically. Even on a successful save, the target takes 4d6 points now snatch arrows instead of crushing pressure to it's body.deflecting them <br>'''Fly(Su):''' The telekinetic can Fly now use the fly spell, at -will, as a psi-like ability, as a move action <br>'''Mind Over Matter:''' The telekinetic gains : +10 to her effective 4 telekinetic strength. Concentration to maintain telekinetic effects is now a move action if it was previously a standard action. Damage from telekinetic attacks are increased by a further 2d6and carrying capacity strength score, 10ft range, 5 ft throwing distance of enemies etc

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