no edit summary
|author_name= SylverPhoenix
|date_created= 2223/12/14
|balance= Very High
}}<div class="blank">
[[Summary::Some are born with The telekinetic uses her powers to wreck havoc on enemies by throwing objects, and beings, around the ability to mentally influence physical matter: telekineticsbattlefield]][[Minimum Level::0]][[Class Ability:: TelekinesisTelekinetic Thrust, Telekinetic Force, Telekinetic Maneuver]]
[[Class Ability Progression:: Full]]
{{3.5e Class Alignments | Any}}
===Making a Telekinetic===
'''Abilities:''' Intelligence governs telekinetic skills and abilitiesis the primary stat for telekinetics.
'''Races:''' Any
'''Starting Gold:''' 3d4 x 10 gp (75gp)
'''[[SRD:Race Descriptions#Starting Age|Starting Age]]:''' AnyComplex
{{3.5e Class Simple
|classname=Telekinetic|hitdie=6|length=20|bab=Moderate|fort=Poor|ref=Poor|will=Good|special1=TelekinesisTelekinetic Thrust, Telekinetic Maneuver, Telekinetic AdaptionForce, Focused MindAll For One, Wild Talent|special2=Hover|special3=ShieldingAll For One +1|special4=Force FieldDeflect Arrow|special5=Long Range telekinesisAll For One +2, Telekinetic Strength|special6=Shielding +1Force Field|special7=Deflect Arrows FeatAll For One +3|special8=Strengthened TelekinesisTwo Hands|special9=Shielding All For One +24|special10=Telekinetic ExplosionStrength +1|special11=Lasting TelekinesisAll For One +5|special12=Shielding +3Snatch Arrow|special13=Strengthened Telekinesis All For One +16|special14=Lasting Telekinesis +1Deflect Arrow Mythic|special15=Shielding All For One +7, Telekinetic Strength +43|special16=Crushing HeartFly|special17=Lasting Telekinesis All For One +28|special18=Shielding +5Wall Of Force Mythic|special19=FlyAll For One +9|special20=All For One +10, Mind Over Matter|skillpoints=4 + Int Modifier per levelMod
Disable Device,
Escape Artist,
Knowledge (all),Listen,
Open Lock,
Search,Sleight of Hand, Spot,
All of the following are class features of the Telekinetic.
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' Telekinetics begin The Telekinetic begins with no proficiency in armor and simple weapon proficiency with any weapon that is wielded telekinetically.