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Regal Presence (3.5e Spell)

57 bytes added, 08:39, 16 March 2015
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|casttime=1 standard action
|dur=1 hour10 minutes/level (D)
''Do you know who I am?!''
When you cast this spell you exude an aura of authority and power. You may use your ranks in Knowledge Nobility for Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks(you still use your [[Charisma]] for the checks). Creatures with less than 6 HD will assume you are of noble blood until they learn otherwise, and treat you accordingly.
Any time during the duration of the spell, you can take a standard action and present your ring, its sigil flashing bright in front of you. You fall under a ''[[SRD:Sanctuary|sanctuary]]'' effect against any creature which observes this sigil, lasting until they successfully attack you, you break the effect, or until 1 minute passes. This is a mind-affecting effect, and has a [[Will]] save to negate. Each time you use this function of the spell, the duration of the entire effect is decreased by 1 hour10 minutes.
''Focus:'' A [[SRD:Adventuring Gear|signet ring]].

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