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Dark Sacrifice (3.5e Variant Rule)

7,194 bytes added, 00:10, 19 May 2015
Created page with "{{Author |author_name=Leziad |date_created=18th April 2015 |status=WIP }} {{#set:Summary=A replacement to the BoVD sacrifice rules..}} == Dark Sacrifice == This rule is more..."
|date_created=18th April 2015
{{#set:Summary=A replacement to the BoVD sacrifice rules..}}

== Dark Sacrifice ==

This rule is more or less a remake the sacrifice rules found in [[Publication:Book of Vile Darkness|Book of Vile Dorkness]]. Firstly a dark sacrifice is usually performed by a cleric or priest in order to garner the service of a dark deity, elder evil or a fiend lord in a ceremony that last at least 1 full hour.

A dark sacrifice either require a [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (Religion), [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (The Planes) or [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (Dungeoneering) check based on the entity the sacrifice is made to. The sacrifice must be performed in a way that reflect the entity in question, by example if you make a sacrifice to [[Juiblex (3.5e Monster)|juiblex]] feeding the victim to an ooze it a perfectly valid way to perform the sacrifice.

{| class="zebra d20"
|+ Sacrifice Modifier
! Modifier || class="left" | Elements
| +1 || class="left" | For each extra hour to the Ceremony, to a maximum of +5.
| +2 || class="left" | If conducted in front of a creature important to the entity (a outsider servant by example).
| +2 || class="left" | If conducted during a period of time important to the entity (dusk, a certain date or a certain day of the week).
| +2/+4 || class="left" | If conducted within a desecrated/unhallowed area.
| +1 || class="left" | If the victim is good-aligned.
| +1 || class="left" | If the victim is the cleric of a opposed deity.
| +1 || class="left" | If the victim is of a kind (race, class, etc) particularly hated by the deity.
| +1 || class="left" | If the victim is a virgin (of course!)
| +1|| class="left" | Victim offer itself to the entity (either by being duped, mind-controlled or genuinely willing).
| +1|| class="left" | Victim offer itself to the entity (either by being duped, mind-controlled or genuinely willing).
| +3 || class="left" | At least one participant has [[Dark Insight (3.5e Variant Rule)|dark insight]] of 5 or more.
| +4 || class="left" | At least one participant has the sacrificial mastery feat.
| +5 || class="left" | At least one participant has the [[Forbidden Knowledge (3.5e Feat)|forbidden knowledge]] feat and incur wisdom burn as part of the ritual.
| +* || class="left" | If the victim is personally hated by the entity (bonus varies, can go as high as +20).
| -10 || class="left" | Victim isn't sentient (additionally the total sacrifice roll is capped at 15).

The sacrifice is only completed once the victim has been killed, if there is any interruption during the ritual the total roll is made with a -8 penalty. This can cause a sacrifice to be annulled for the merest accident or disturbance, better to delay it a bit than angering the entity with a botched ceremony. After the ceremony is completed every active participant roll the appropriated check, using the highest among them to determine the reward. Any choice in the reward is decided by vote of each participant with the one who rolled highest as the tie breaker.

Other penalties and bonus may apply to the sacrifice roll (up to the DM), identifying a unfavorable condition require a DC 15 knowledge check.

{| class="zebra d20"
|+ Sacrifice Result
! DC || class="left" | Result
| 0 or Lower || class="left" | As 1, plus the entity is insulted and send forth minions to punish the blasphemer (EL 6).
| 1 || class="left" | All participant to the ceremony take 1d6 vile damages and a -1 penalty on all d20 roll for 24 hours.
| 10 || class="left" | No Result
| 15 || class="left" | One Least Effect
| 25 || class="left" | One Lesser Effect or two Least Effects
| 40 || class="left" | One Greater Effect or two Lesser Effects or three Least Effect
| 50 || class="left" | As DC 40 or a single [[SRD:Limited Wish|''limited wish'']]. If the limited wish is chosen the DC of this effect increase forevermore by 5 for all creature who participated in the sacrifice.

=== Sacrifice Effects ===

When a sacrifice is well made the entity reward it followers, sometime generously. Some of the effect below are vague and their full extend is up for the DM.

==== Least Effects ====

''Abundance and Prosperity:'' Servants of the entity gather food and wealth for the participant or a group of their choosing.

''Dark Artisan:'' The entity help in the creation of one or more magic item worth 100 gp in total, the item radiate evil instead of it proper magical aura.

''Evil Sickness:'' A single creature of the participant's choice is struct by a [[SRD:Contagion|''contagion'']] spell (DC 20)

''Natural Divination:'' The entity show sign of the future to the participant, once in the next 24 hours each participant may observe natural phenomenons to gain an insight bonus on a single skill or ability check equal to his or her [[charisma]] modifier. Using this ability require 10 minutes of study and must be used within the next hour.

''Protection:'' The participant are protected as per [[SRD:Protection from Evil|protection from alignment]] (with an alignment of their choice) for 1 hour.

==== Lesser Effects ====

''Call Servant:'' The entity send one of it servant with a CR equal or lower than highest CR among the participants, the servant's initial's attitude is friendly with the participant but not under their control. This is a [calling] effect.

''Dark Insight:'' One creature designated by the participant gain a [[Dark Insight (3.5e Variant Rule)|dark insight]] score of 0 or increase it [[Dark Insight (3.5e Variant Rule)|dark insight]] score by 2 (once per creature only).

''Dreamer's Insight:'' The entity send a vision of the participant's wishes to a creature or group of creature through a [[SRD:Dream|''dream'']].

''Vision:'' One creature designated by the participant receive a [[SRD:Divination|''divination'']] and [[SRD:Vision|''vision'']] (caster level 20th) and take 1d10 point of [[wisdom]] [[SRD:Ability Burn|ability burn]]. If it [[wisdom]] reach 0 because of it ability the creature die horribly and messily. If the creature can't take [[wisdom]] burn the request fail.

==== Greater Effects ====

''Call Avatar:'' As call servant except the creature's CR is higher than the highest CR among the participants.

''Call Multiple Servants:'' As call servant except you can call a number of creature who total CR is equal or lower than the highest CR among the participants

''Dreamer's Demand:'' As dreamer's insight except it also carry an [[Insidious Suggestion (3.5e Spell)|''insidious suggestion'']] to follow the message (DC 20).

''Malediction:'' A single creature of the participant's choice is struct by a [[SRD:Bestow Curse|''bestow curse'']] spell.

''Weather Control:'' As per [[SRD:Control Weather|''control weather'']] as a druid with the same caster level as the creature with the highest CR in the participant.

{{3.5e Variant Rules Breadcrumb}}

[[Category:Uncategorized Variant Rule]]
[[Category:Transformational Variant Rule]]
[[Category:Supplemental Variant Rule]]

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