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Scaling Breath Weapon (3.5e Feat)

6 bytes added, 05:12, 7 June 2015
added HD prerequisite
|summary=Your breath weapon now scales with your HD
|prereqs=Breath weapon which deals damage, 9 HD
|benefit=Instead of dealing a fixed number of dice in hit point damage, the creature's breath weapon now deals a number of dice equal to ⅔ of the creature's HD. In addition, the range of the breath weapon increases by 5 feet per 2 HD from its base range. The damage increase applies only to hit point damage caused by the breath weapon, and does not affect any other conditions or effects the breath weapon may have.
|example=Wilhelm the Winter Wolf is leveled up from the normal 6 HD to 12 HD. Instead of his cone of cold dealing 4d6 cold damage in a 15-foot cone, it now deals 8d6 in a 45-foot cone.

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