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Secret Agent (3.5e Prestige Class)

30 bytes removed, 00:44, 11 August 2015
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''{{Anchor|Iron Snake}} {{Ex}}:'' You gain a +4 bonus to hide and move silently check and the ability to summon a [[Cardboard Box (3.5e Equipment)|cardboard box]] out of nowhere as a move action. The [[Cardboard Box (3.5e Equipment)|cardboard box]] become a regular nonmagical cardboard box whenever it leave your person.
''{{Anchor|Golden Bullet}} {{Ex}}:'' Once per day the secret agent may bestow the [[Killing (3.5e Equipment)|killing]] enhancement on a single the weapon you wield for your next attack as a free action. As a side notes all your attack are
''{{Anchor|Martial Art Expert}} {{Ex}}:'' The secret agent gain the [[Codex Unarmed Fighting Style (3.5e Feat)|codex unarmed fighting style]] as a bonus feat, additionally once per day you gain the benefit of another technique of your choice as an immediate action, this ability last for 3 rounds.

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