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*''[[SRD:Unholy Aura|Unholy aura]]'' (DC 22) (5 charges)
Dark harvest's [[SRD:Caster Level|caster level]] is equal to the wielder's [[SRD:Base Attack Bonus|base attack bonus]], his divine [[SRD:Caster Level|caster level]], or 15, whichever of the three is higherhighest.
When killing a living creature with its attacks or ingrained spells, ''dark harvest'' recovers one charge. It recovers 2 charges from a creature whose [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] is at least the weapon's CL - 3, and 3 charges from a creature whose [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] is at least the weapon's CL + 3. Any creatures so weak that the dark harvest's ''[[SRD:Blasphemy|blasphemy]]'' effect would kill it outright do not replenish any charges. [[SRD:Summoning Subschool|Summoned]] creatures also cannot replenish a dark harvest scythe, but [[SRD:Calling Subschool|called]] creatures can. Charges recovered over the maximum of 5 are channeled in a burst of negative energy that empowers the dark harvest's next melee attack. This attack, if successful, deals +2d6 points of vile damage per point of overcharge.