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Automag Armor Glint (3.5e Monster)

1 byte added, 12:16, 29 January 2016
'''Afterburner {{Ex}}:''' The Glint can use the [[Extreme Sprint (3.5e Skill Trick)|Extreme Sprint]] skill trick, and when using overland speeds it can reach speeds of up to 700 mph.
'''Cockpit {{Ex}}:''' As a vehicle the Glint has a cockpit space for one pilot. While inside the pilot benefits from total cover, but is not entirely separated due to their spirit jar system. When activated the Glint transfer the spirit of the pilot into the machine, allowing the pilot to use their feats, skills, and class features as if the Zmeu Glint was their own body. However, spellcasting spells outside the cockpit comes with a 1015% spell failure chance due to casting since the Glint cannot perfectly duplicate all effects. Since they are possessing their golem body they can still be affected by mind-affecting effects even though there is no line of sight to the body. Beyond mind-affecting effects, the body is safe from danger. Alternatively, the spirit jar can be inhabited by another spirit (often an elemental spirit), gaining [[Wis]] 11 and [[Cha]] 1, and behaving like a mindless normal golem.
For would-be pilots, activating the Glint requires a DC 23 [[Knowledge Xeno (3.5e Skill)|Knowledge Xeno]] or [[Pilot (3.5e Skill)|Pilot]] check. Afterward, they only need a DC 10 check to continue using it in combat, and you can take 10 on this check even in the middle of combat.

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