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Automag Armor Glint (3.5e Monster)

17 bytes added, 12:23, 29 January 2016
'''Hardness {{Ex}}:''' The Glint has hardness 10, halving all damage except for force damage which deal full damage before hardness. However, siege weapons always deal full damage before hardness.
'''Missile Battery {{Ex}}:''' The glint has several individual and clustered missiles weapons systems which duplicate the following effects as extraordinary abilities. 3/day-''[[SRD:Lightning Bolt|lightning bolt]]'' (DC 23); 1/day-''[[Rain of Fireballs (3.5e Spell)|rain of fireballs]]'' (DC 27). The saving throws are for all abilities is DC 19, and the saving throw is [[DexterityConstitution]] based.
'''Siege Weapon {{Ex}}:''' The Glint counts as a siege weapon. All its attacks are considered siege weapons, and itself is considered a fortification, taking no damage from non-siege projectiles and half damage from non-siege melee attacks.

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