→Class Features
'''{{Anchor|Whip Mastery}}([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''' The archaeologist gains the [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/whip-mastery-combat Whip Mastery] feat.
'''{{Anchor|Encyclopedic Knowledge}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''': If an archaeologist successfully identifies a foe, he taps into his stores of encyclopedic knowledge as a swift action, searching for some obscure fact that might confer a distinct advantage. He chooses one of the bonuses on the following list. Any bonuses given only last until the end of the encounter, and only apply to the specific creature in question and any others of its exact kind (i.e., if the archaeologist identifies a goblin, he gains the bonuses against all goblins in the encounter, but if a hobgoblin is present, he does not receive the bonus against it). He may not gain multiple kinds of bonuses against one particular foe. If he identifies multiple kinds of foes at once, he may activate a bonus for each one successfully identified as a single swift action. Bonuses from this ability cannot exceed half the archaeologist's class level.
''Find the Gap:'' An archaeologist gains a +1 insight bonus on all attack rolls against the creature and any others of its kind. For every five points by which the archaeologist's check result exceeds the base DC, the bonus increases by +1.