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Crow Assassin (3.5e Prestige Class)

1,051 bytes added, 20:50, 8 February 2016
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| I'd say "Nothing personal, it just business." but I'd be lying.
|orig=Daniel FilippiniOcchipinti, Human Crow Assassin
{| class="zebra d20" style="width: 1px; white-space: nowrap;"
|+ Table: Crow Assassin Spells Known
! rowspan="2" | Level!!colspan="4"| Spells Known
'''{{Anchor|Master Assassin}}:''' A 10th level Crow Assassin can deliver her death attack and sneak attack against any creatures, even those who would normally be immune to them (such as a creature with Improved Uncanny Dodge or an Undead creature). Whenever she deliver a death attack and the creature succeed it saving throw she deal triple sneak attack damage on that attack.
===Alternate Class Features===
'''Spellcasting Advancement:''' Instead of granting it own spellcasting, the crow assassin grant spellcasting advancement every level (if your class grant partial spellcasting like a Bard or Paladin) or spell casting advancement at every level except the first and last if your class grant full spellcasting (such as a wizard or cleric). Additionally you add the spells on the Assassin list (not crow assassin) to your spell list.
''Prerequisites Change:'' Must be able to cast 2nd level spells.
'''Sublime Crow Assassin:''' Instead of granting it own spellcasting, the crow assassin instead add fully to your initiator level. At 1st level and each odd level thereafter you gain another maneuver known chosen from Diamond Mind, Shadow Hand or Tiger Claw. At 3rd level, 6th and 9th level you gain an additional maneuver readied. Finally at 5th and 10th level you gain another stance known, chosen from the same disciplines as the maneuvers.
''Prerequisites Change:'' Must be able to use 2nd level maneuvers.

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