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User:Leziad/Bodyshifter (3.5e Class)

4 bytes added, 21:30, 27 March 2016
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''{{Anchor|Big Head}} (1):'' The bodyshifter fall under the effect of [[Big Head Mode (3.5e Spell)|''big head mode'']].
''{{Anchor|Cosmetic Morph}} (1):'' The bodyshifter change her appearance radically, she may make cosmetic changes to herself within the limits of the [[SRD:Disguise Self|''disguise self'']] spells. The changes are a transmutation effect and is not fooled by [[SRD:True Seeing|''true seeing'']] or similar abilities. If the bodyshifter invest an additional point in this bodymoprh the limit of her transformation are now dictated by [[SRD:Alter Self|''alter self'']].
''{{Anchor|Fast Legs}} (1):'' The bodyshifter's base land speed increase by 10 feet, for each additionally points invested in this morph the speed increase double.

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