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Occult (3.5e Equipment)

373 bytes added, 21:34, 29 April 2016
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[[Summary::An Occult weapon draw it powers from strange unseen forces and is only particularly useful in the hand of an enlightened user it is also capable of a powerful charge up attack.]] The wielder of an An occult weapon may use her caster level never suffer from miss chance from attacking creatures in the [[Dark Insight (3.5e Variant Rule)|Warped Plane]]. If the wielder possess a [[Dark Insight (up to her ECL or CR, whichever is applicable3.5e Variant Rule) instead |Dark Insight]] score of her base attack 5 or higher she gain a +2 insight bonus when attacking to all attacks made with an occult weapon. This include both the attack roll and any extra attacks granted by base attack bonusOccult Weapon.
If the wielder possess a [[Dark Insight (3.5e Variant Rule)|Dark Insight]] score she may charge the weapon as a swift action, dealing an additional 2d6 magic damage with each strike but also taking a single points of [[Mindbreak (3.5e Variant Rule)|madness]] with each attack. The extra damage damage dealt with the charged weapon increase by 1d6 per 2 points of [[Dark Insight (3.5e Variant Rule)|Dark Insight]] the character has, to a maximum of the wielder's CR or ECL (whichever is applicable) in d6s. If you [[Mindbreak (3.5e Variant Rule)|mindbreak]] as a result of using this weapon you release a burst of energy, dealing half of the amount of damage you took during the mindbreak to all other creatures in a 10 feet emanation from you (you still take all the normal penalty from the mindbreak). The buff last until the wielder dismiss it as a free action.
Strong Divination; CL 15th; [[SRD:Craft Magic Arms and Armor|Craft Magic Arms and Armor]], [[Dark Scholar's Insight (3.5e Spell)|''dark scholar's insight'']]; Price: [[Cost::+3]].

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