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<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Feat
|name=Sand Veil
|types=Monstrous|summary=You hide well When in dust stormsa sandstorm, you gain total concealment and can see through them.|prereqs=Rock, Ground or Steel Pokemon Traits[Earth] subtype.|fluff=You are the ninja of the dust storms.|benefit=When in a sandstormor other concealing effect due to particular matter, if you have Concealment against someone gain total concealment instead of what you instead have Full Concealment against normally would gain and can see through themnormally, no matter how thick. Additionally You do not suffer from environmental effects from the storm, you gain Immunity to such as suffocation or wind.|special=If using [[Mind AffectingPokémon d20 (3.5e Sourcebook)|Pokemon d20]] effects in sandstorms, thanks to all of the interferencepre-requisite is "Rock, Ground or Steel Pokemon Traits".