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Learned Cleric (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

52 bytes removed, 08:32, 27 July 2016
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{{3.5e Alternate Class Feature
|name=Learned Cleric
|summary=You do not prepare spells like a cleric, instead you prepare from a book much like a wizard. In exchange you gain an extra domain and the ability to prepare them more effectively.
|replaces=Spell Preparation
|benefit=You gain one additional domain, however you lose the ability to prepare spell like a cleric. Instead you prepare spells like a [[SRD:Wizard|Wizard]], with a Prayer Grimoire instead of a spellbook. You do not have extra domain spell, instead you gain an additional spell slot per level and may prepare any of your domain spell normally. You may prepare your domain spells without the need of your Prayer Grimoire.  Additionally you gain [[SRD:Scribe Scroll|Scribe Scroll]] as a bonus feat.}}

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