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Phantasmal Wings (3.5e Feat)

5 bytes added, 03:37, 24 November 2016
Dat wording...
* 1 HD: Your wings become insubstantial and no longer require sufficient space to operate. Blockage of Ethereal travel reverts your wings to their standard form until you leave the area where Ethereal travel is blocked.
* 4 HD: If your flight speed is only equal to your base land speed, it doubles. If not, add 10 to the Flight Speed. Manueverability increases one degree.
* 8 HD: Lastly, you can spend a full-round action to gain an [[SRD:Entropic Shield|entropic shield]] effect for 1 hour/2 30 minutes per HD, 1/day.
|normal=Your wings are physical, and need space to operate.

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