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Full Moon Stance (3.5e Feat)

12 bytes removed, 14:23, 11 December 2016
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''Breakthrough'': When you hit an opponent with Counterstroke you can choose to move to the square behind that opponent as part of your attack (as long as this move is possible), then on your next round that opponent is considered flat-footed against you. If you use Breakthrough you cannot use Bladeslaughter or Premeditation. As Counterstroke, this can only be used once per round
''Bladeslaughter'': When you hit an opponent with Counterstroke is triggered you can choose to make two attacks instead of one. If you use Bladeslaughter you cannot use Breakthrough or Premeditation. As Counterstroke, this can only be used once per round
''Premeditation'': You can use Counterstroke as soon as an opponent attempts to attack you by making a Sense Motive check that is higher your opponents attack roll, if you hit, your target's attack gains a -5 penalty to the roll. If you use Premeditation you cannot use Bladeslaughter or Breakthrough. As Counterstroke, this can only be used once per round

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