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Ki Mystic (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

109 bytes added, 07:46, 22 December 2016
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'''Combat Ofuda:''' At 6th level the Ki Mystic can deliver an an unarmed strike as a standard action, if she hit she may also place an Ofuda on the target. The ofuda may be removed by the creature as a move action, at which point if it wasn't activated it power is lost. If an offensive ofuda is activated on a creature it succeed any needed touch or ranged touch attack and the target does not benefits from either Evasion or Improved Evasion from it effect.
You may also deliver a combat ofuda as a touch attack, however if you do you do not make an unarmed strike.
'''Flourishing Ki:''' A 9th level Ki Mystic gain the effect of a [[Ring of Magic Renewal (3.5e Equipment)|Ring of Magic Renewal]] (which stack with the actual ring). The maximum number point you may store at one time is also limited to 2 + half your character levels (rounded down, instead of a static 8).

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