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User:Leziad/Bodyshifter (3.5e Class)

1,464 bytes added, 22:19, 24 January 2017
Battle Form now WIP
''Augment:'' For each shift point the bodyshifter invests in this bodyshift, the DR/— increase by 2, she receives a +2 bonus to her [[SRD:Strength|Strength]] and the stability bonus increases by 4.
'''{{Anchor|Battle Form}}:''' The bodyshifter changes her body into a deadly battle machine, become faster and deadlier. In this bodyshift, all of the bodyshifter 's speed increase by 20 ft, she falls under the effect of [[SRD:Barkskin|''barkskin'']] and gains the ability to sprout or sheath [[SRD:Armor Spikes|armor spikes]] and [[Shield Blades (3from her body as a free action.5e Equipment)|shield blades]] which fall The spikes are automatically under the effect of a uncapped [[SRD:Greater Magic Weapon|''greater magic weapon'']] and deal the bodyshifter's unarmed damage (in piercing and slashing respectively)effect, carrying the same enhancement using your class level as caster level. Finally in this form the bodyshifter's unarmed strikebase attack bonus become equal to her class level.
''Augment:'' For each If she invests a single shift point on this bodyshift, the bodyshifter gain the ability to sprouts blades from her limb (up to one per limb). The blades behave as [[SRD:Scimitar|scimitars]] except that they deal damage equal to the bodyshifter's unarmed strike and may be enhanced separately. Like the spikes, the blades are automatically under the effect of a uncapped [[SRD:Greater Magic Weapon|''greater magic weapon'']] effect, using your class level as caster level.  If she invests in this bodyshifttwo shift points, she gains gain the benefits of the [[Improved Combat Trick (3.5e Feat)|Improved Combat Trick]] and [[SRD:Spring Attack|Spring Attack]] feats, her spike and blade attacks are automatically [[SRD:Keen|Keen]] and [[SRD:Ghost Touch (Weapon Enhancement)|Ghost-Touch]] and all of her movement speed increase by a further 20 ft.  If she invests three shift points, she gain the benefits of the [Fighter[Running Assault (3.5e Feat)|Running Assault]] bonus feat and her blade and spike attacks are automatically [[SRD:Wounding|Wounding]]. If she invest four shift points, she meets gain the benefits of the prerequisite for[[Greater Combat Trick (3. She may change which 5e Feat)|Greater Combat Trick]] feat , she selects when now bypass all DR (except DR/-) with her blade and spike attack, she meditates also gain the ability to destroy force effects with them. She treat a 5x5 square of force as an object with 10 hit points per inch of thickness and a hardness equal to reassign her the caster level of the caster.  If she invests five shift points,  If she invests six shift points.,  If she invest seven points,
'''{{Anchor|Elastic Body}}:''' The bodyshifter's body become extremely elastic and thus can be stretched far past its normal breaking points. The bodyshifter halves any source of bludgeoning damage dealt to her, minimizes falling damage and her natural reach increase by 10 feet. She doubles the distance she can use [[#Extend Limbs|Extend Limbs]] over. She also counts as two size categories smaller for the purpose of squeezing through tight spaces.
'''{{Anchor|Extra Arms}}:''' The bodyshifter grows another pair of arms. However they start off much clumsier and weaker than normal arms. She may only wield light weapons with her secondary arms and only adds half of her [[SRD:Strength|Strength]] modifier to damage. Any skill checks made with only the secondary arms are made with a –4 penalty. If she possesses the [[SRD:Two-Weapon Fighting (Feat)|Two-Weapon Fighting]] feat it applies to all extra attacks granted by having multiple arms (much like [[SRD:Multiweapon Fighting|Multiweapon Fighting]]).
''Augment:'' if If she invests a single shift point on this bodyshift, her secondary arms no longer take penalties and may now wield one-handed or light weapons.
If she invests two shift points on this bodyshift, she gains an additional pair of arms which start weaker but become normal when she invests three points.
[[File:Human Buzz-Saw.jpg|thumb|250px|right]]
'''{{Anchor|Living Buzz-Saw}}:''' The bodyshifter turns into a grotesque living buzz-saw, shifting her body and spinning very rapidly upon herself. The bodyshifter gain a hover speed equal to her base land speed (clumsy). More importantly, she can fly through the space of other creatures and objects, even hostile creatures, without provoking attacks of opportunity. When she does so she automatically make an unarmed attack at her highest base attack bonus. This attack deals slashing damage, bypasses DR/Adamantine and Hardness of 20 or less and inflicts 1d6 points of [[Bleedout (3.5e Condition)|bleed]]. This attack may only be done once per creature per round.
''Augment:'' If the bodyshifter invests a single shift point in this bodyshift, her hover speed increases to twice her land speed.

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