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Crow Assassin (3.5e Prestige Class)

58 bytes added, 19:54, 25 January 2017
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'''{{Anchor|No Witness}} {{Ex}}:''' At 9th level a crow assassin can observe a whole room full of people... and murder everyone forever. The crow assassin can observe any number of creature in a 30 foot radius, taking 3 rounds of observation per person to be targeted in the area. Once observations are complete, they may make a single death attack attempt against one of the targets in range, and all marked creatures in the 30 foot radius are subject to the death attack as if you had rolled the attack roll against them. In a flash, a mere six seconds, dozens of people can be executed in a single fell swoop.
'''{{Anchor|Master Assassin}}:''' A 10th level Crow Assassin can deliver her death attack and sneak attack against any creatures, even those who would normally be immune to them (such as a creature with Improved Uncanny Dodge or an Undead creature), however such creature gain a +8 bonus on it saving throw. Whenever she deliver a death attack and the creature succeed it saving throw she deal triple sneak attack damage on that attack.
===Alternate Class Features===

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