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|benefit=This feat grant you the following tactical maneuvers:
''Captivating Speech:'' You are able through gain the use of words ability to completely captivate fascinate creature as a creature you are conversing with. After at least 1 minute bard of conversation you can attempt a your level, using your [[SRD:Diplomacy Bluff Skill|diplomacyBluff]] check against each creature that participated in rather than Perform. If you already posessed the conversation (although ability to Fascinate you may decide to leave some out of the effect), each creature oppose use this check with either their will save or an opposed [[SRD:Sense Motive|sense motive]] check. Each creatures who fail are [[SRD:Fascinated|fascinated]] for as long as you speak, although each minute they may attempt to free themselves by making a new check. This [[SRD:Fascinated|fascination]] effect is extremely fragile, automatically breaking whenever a new ability at will save would be allowed or at any event disturbing the conversation. /
''Convey Hidden Intents:'' You may affect one can use bluff to deliver a secret message extremely subtly, you can slip such attempt in a conversation and every creature plus one additional for not meant to receive the message will be none the wiser. If you fail the check by 10 point or more however, each point of creature who heard the attempt may try a [[charismaSRD:Sense Motive Skill|sense motive]] bonus check at a -10 penalty, each successful creature know you haveattempted to convey a secret message but not it content.
''Convey Hidden IntentsFeint of Word:'' You can use bluff gain the ability to deliver say something so outrageous that it leave your opponent open for a secret message extremely subtly, you can slip such attempt in coming strike or simply leave them aghast. As a conversation and every creature not meant to receive the message will be none the wiser. If 1 round action you fail the check by 10 point or more however, each creature who heard the attempt may try make a [[SRD:Sense Motive SkillFeint|sense motiveFeint]] check at a -10 penalty, each successful against up to one creature know per point of [[Charisma]] modifier you attempted have. If you do not take an attack against them, they are left aghast by your comment and are unable to convey a secret message speak for 1d4+1 rounds. If you fail or succeed without attacking they do not see the feint as an hostile action, but not it contentmay react badly at what you said.
''Fooling the Fool:'' You can attempt to make a creature to believe the impossible, after at least 1 minute of conversation you may make [[SRD:Bluff Skill|bluff]] opposed to the target's [[SRD:Sense Motive Skill|sense motive]]. If you are successful you can make creature believe an otherwise unbelievable lie, for a time at least. You take a penalty to your bluff check equal to twice the creature [[intelligence]] or [[wisdom]] (whichever is higher) modifier (or gain a bonus if it intelligence mod is negative). The creature will go on, believing your lie for 1 hour for each point of difference between your [[charisma]] bonus and it [[intelligence]] or [[wisdom]] (whichever is higher) bonus (if the difference is 0 the creature is immune to this ability) or until the truth is outright demonstrated to it (whichever come first). The creature will not still not believe something demonstrably impossible or suicidal (like that swimming in lava is harmless).