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SRD5:Silver Dragon Wyrmling

1,824 bytes added, 02:43, 3 March 2017
Created page with "{{OGL Top}} {{5e Monster |name=Silver Dragon Wyrmling |sorttext=Dragon Silver Wyrmling SRD5 |size=Medium |type=Dragon |swarm= <!--If swarm, size of individual creature in swa..."
{{OGL Top}}
{{5e Monster
|name=Silver Dragon Wyrmling
|sorttext=Dragon Silver Wyrmling SRD5
|swarm= <!--If swarm, size of individual creature in swarm-->
|subtype=Metallic Dragon
|align=Lawful Good
|acfluff=natural armor
|speed=30 ft., {{srd5lc|Fly}} 60 ft.
|saves=[[SRD5:Dexterity|Dex]] +2, [[SRD5:Constitution|Con]] +5, [[SRD5:Wisdom|Wis]] +2, [[SRD5:Charisma|Cha]] +4
|skills={{SRD5|Perception}} +4, {{SRD5|Stealth}} +2
|senses={{srd5lc|Blindsight}} 10 ft., {{srd5lc|Darkvision}} 60 ft.
{{5e Ability|Bite|''Melee Weapon Attack:'' +6 to hit, {{srd5lc|Reach}} 5 ft., one target. ''Hit:'' 9 (1d10+4) {{srd5lc|Piercing}} damage.}}

{{5e Ability|Breath Weapons ({{SRD5|Recharge}} 5-6)|The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons:}}

:{{5e Ability|Cold Breath|The Dragon exhales an icy blast in a 15-foot {{srd5lc|Cone}}. Each creature in that line must make a DC 13 {{SRD5|Dexterity}} saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.}}

:{{5e Ability|Paralyzing Breath|The dragon exhales gas in a 15-­foot {{srd5lc|Cone}}. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 13 {{SRD5|Constitution}} saving throw or be {{srd5lc|Paralyzed}} for 1 {{srd5lc|Minute}}. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.}}


* [[SRD-OGL v5.1]]

{{SRD5 Footer|Monster}}
[[Category:SRD5 Monsters|{{Title Only|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}]]
[[Category:5e Silver Dragons|{{Title Only|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}]]

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