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Talk:Rogue Astral Construct (3.5e Race)

788 bytes added, 07:06, 7 March 2017
Added rating.
== Ratings =={{Rating |rater=Eiji-kun|rating=neutral|reason=Per request, I'm here to rate. I actually do like this, but I am putting neutral here for the moment to deal with a few issues. One non-issue issue is that the fluff is overwhelmingly chaotic good, not lawful good. The "Muh Freedoms" thing is pretty much an archetype of it. Easy enough. The fluff could use a bit of parsing down while keeping it funny. But the real issue is the construct ability list. It makes sense, I expect it, but on that list even as low as list A is flight, and flight is a hard thing to sell at LA 0. I am not sure what you could do: possibly exclude flight. Have the flight scale by starting off with gliding only first. Something. If you can find a fix for that, this becomes a Like.}}== Copy Pasta ==
You got some ATRun in your RAC. -- [[User:Eiji-kun|Eiji-kun]] ([[User talk:Eiji-kun|talk]]) 15:22, 6 February 2017 (MST)

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