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Poisondusk (5e Subrace)

13 bytes removed, 17:20, 18 May 2017
|trait4desc= You naturally produce your own venom that you are immune to. You can poison a creature with your venom with your bite attack or by injuring them with a weapon coated in your saliva. You must finish a long rest use your venom as an attack again, but can still use it to coat your weapons with.Your venoms save DC equals 8 + Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature hit with an attack that is poisoned by you venom must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute and take 1d4 points of poison damage. A poisoned creature receives an additional Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns, success ends the poisoned condition.
|trait4name= Venom Perfection
|trait5desc= Crafty poisondusk’s have been known to preserve their own venom, making it more potent and effective when used.They can either put some of their saliva into a small container such as a bottle or not use their venom in their bite attack for a certain amount of time.Either way, they can preserve it for a max of 4 days, each day increasing the duration by one minute and the damage to another hit dice.With the bite attack, once they use it after preserving it, it goes back to it's original potency.It can go up to a maximum of 1d12 posion damage for 4 minutes.
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