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Poisonous Moth Wings (3.5e Equipment)

1 byte added, 13:38, 21 May 2017
fixed a typo
== Poisonous Moth Wings ==
An horrifying graft made by the brilliant Dorctor Matherson, this graft is a air pair of large moth wing sized for a creature of the grafted creature's size. The wings grant a fly speed of 30 ft. (Perfect), they are also capable of producing a variety of extremely deadly poison powder. As a move action the grafted creature can release the poison powder creating a light cloud not thick enough to obstruct view in her space and natural reach for 1 round, if the grafted creature move the cloud extend in the same path. Since the poison powder is heavier than air is sink to the ground at a rate of 30 ft. per round, even pouring down den or sinkhole openings. It cannot penetrate liquids, nor can it be released underwater. The grafted creature can release poison powder a number of time per day equal to her [[Constitution]] modifier.
The poison powder is chosen form the list below, the poison is chosen when the poison is released. A creature immune to poison is of course immune to effect of the poison powder.
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