Poisonous Moth Wings (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 16th April 2016
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Poisonous Moth Wings[edit]

An horrifying graft made by the brilliant Dorctor Matherson, this graft is a pair of large moth wing sized for a creature of the grafted creature's size. The wings grant a fly speed of 30 ft. (Perfect), they are also capable of producing a variety of extremely deadly poison powder. As a move action the grafted creature can release the poison powder creating a light cloud not thick enough to obstruct view in her space and natural reach for 1 round, if the grafted creature move the cloud extend in the same path. Since the poison powder is heavier than air is sink to the ground at a rate of 30 ft. per round, even pouring down den or sinkhole openings. It cannot penetrate liquids, nor can it be released underwater. The grafted creature can release poison powder a number of time per day equal to her Constitution modifier.

The poison powder is chosen form the list below, the poison is chosen when the poison is released. A creature immune to poison is of course immune to effect of the poison powder.

Green Death: This simple contact poison deal 2d6 poison damage per round of exposure, at the start of it turn any creature exposed to green death must make a fortitude save (DC 10 +1/2 HD + the grafted creature's Constitution modifier) or start burning for as long as they stay in the cloud and 1d4 rounds thereafter.
Otherworldy Blue: A product of Matherson's darker research, this strange inhaled fluorescent hallucinogenic powder cause mindwracking vision in those exposed for too long. Whenever a creature start it turn in the cloud it suffer a single point of madness.
Mustard Pain: A sickly yellowish power that cause rapturous headaches if inhaled, if a creature is exposed for more than 1 round to the power it immediately gets an headache. If the creature stay 3 or more round in the cloud it develop a migraine.
Red Rust: This inhaled poison is at first a mild irritant and anticoagulant, but prolonged exposure cause bloodloss via breathing hole. Blood Rust cause any creature within it area of effect to be unable to recover bleed, either naturally or magically for as long as they stay in the cloud and a number of round thereafter equal to their stay. Then any creature starting it turn in the cloud gain a single point of bleed, if the creature bleedout while in the cloud is mouth, lungs and other breathing organs become irritated and clogged with blood, becoming unable to communicate vocally and starting to make constitution checks as if it was drowning. The creature or another may attempt a DC 15 Heal as a full-round action to clear the breathing tract, restoring the creature's breath and ability to speak.

Prerequisites: Graft Flesh (Any), poison; Price 35,000 gp. .
Cost to Create: 17,500 gp, 1,400 EXP, 35 days.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4527 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
Cost35,000 gp +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
TitlePoisonous Moth Wings +