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|summary= <!-- summary for nav pages -->
|fluff= <!-- not used-->
|rules=A flash of light streaks toward a creature of your choice within range. Make a ranged spell attack {{srd5lc|Ranged}} {{srd5lc|Spell Attack}} against the target. On a hit, the target takes 4d6 {{srd5lc|Radiant}} damage, and the next {{srd5lc|Attack Roll}} made against this target before the end of your next {{srd5lc|Turn}} has {{srd5lc|Advantage}}, thanks to the mystical {{srd5lc|Dim Light}} glittering on the target until then. <!-- main spell desc -->
|higherlevels=When you cast this spell using a {{srd5lc|Spell Slot}} of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.