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User talk:Gr7mm Bobb

317 bytes added, 00:50, 31 July 2017
no edit summary
Commented on [[Talk:Sorcerous Origin - Pyroclastic Bloodline (5e Subclass)]] --[[User:Rlyehable|Rlyehable]] ([[User talk:Rlyehable|talk]]) 03:24, 6 September 2016 (UTC)
== Your Other Homebrew ==
Would you mind if I copied your works from giantitp here? I feel if we had more 5e content that that might invite other 5e brewers to the site and really help populate the otherwise barren 5e home brew section - [[User:Aeturo|Aeturo]] ([[User talk:Aeturo|talk]]) 18:50, 30 July 2017 (MDT)

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