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Ki Sword (3.5e Invocation)

260 bytes added, 16:00, 21 November 2017
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{{#set:Summary=You create a sword made of Ki Energy which can be used to slice through enemies and objects with ease.}}
A character using this ability is able to focus his ki in a special manner that allows him to be able to create a sword of ki energy. This sword deals 1d10 + strength with is treated for all intensive purposes as a threat of 19-20 X3 damage bastard sword and overcomes damage reduction as though it were a +5 magical adamantine weaponwith 2 exceptions. Firstly, the user may weild this sword in 1 hand with no penalty and secondly the Ki Sword cannot be enchanted or enhanced by any other spell or ability.  Therefore, the Ki Sword deals 1d10 + strength for damage with a threat of 19-20 X2. Because it acts as an adamantine weapon it ignores hardness less than 20 when attacking any object.

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