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[[Summary::Out in the battlefield, certain individuals stand out amoungst the rest, showing no fear while take down opponents one after another using his seemingly endless stamina and endurance, striking fear into all those who oppose him. Such individuals are known as Battle JuggernautsWarlords.]]
[[Minimum Level::1]]
Thanks to [[User:ElfsMaster|ElfsMaster]] who suggested ideas to improve the class over on the discussion page.
==Battle JuggernautWarlord==
===Making a Battle JuggernautWarlord===
'''Abilities:''' Constitution gives the Battle Juggernaut Warlord more staying power in battle by virtue of higher hit points and fuels several of his class abilities such as Sturdy Strike and also deciding how often per day a Battle Juggernaut Warlord can use his Rapid Metabolism class feature. Being a combat class, Battle Juggernauts Warlords appreciate a high strength score which allows them to deal more damage in battle. Several of the Battle Juggernauts Warlords class features depend on his Charisma--a Battle Juggernauts Warlords force of personality can make his enemies quake in fear.
'''Characteristics:''' Battle Juggernauts Warlords are trained to be the ultimate warriors. They have taken the best from all fighting styles and combined them to make the perfectly blended fighter. The Battle Juggernaut Warlord is quicker than most warriors and able to wear heavier armors while ignoring the speed reduction, He has a high threshold for pain and is able to control his body's metabolism to heal his own wounds, completely fearless he has a disturbing presence that can strike fear into his foes with but a glance. A master of flanking, a Battle Juggernaut Warlord is too skilled to be flanked, but when given the opportunity to flank himself, can take better advantage than most of his comrades. A well placed blow from fully trained Battle Juggernaut Warlord will sap the strength and very life from an opponent, leaving him severely weakened.
'''Races:''' Humans make excellent Battle Juggernauts Warlords and with their constant wars and feuding, many rise up in times of conflict. Dwarves also make great Battle Juggernauts Warlords already being naturally hardy combined with their militaristic bent makes it a very common choice for a Dwarf. Half-Orcs with their natural strength and impressive and already intimidating physiques make natural and sometimes some of the more dangerous Battle JuggernautsWarlords. Any race that is physically strong or larger and physically intimidating make ideal and impressive Battle JuggernautsWarlords.
'''Alignment:''' Battle Juggernauts Warlords may be of any alignment. Good Battle Juggernauts Warlords are often crusading types who seek out and fight evil while protecting the weak and innocent. Lawful Battle Juggernauts Warlords may be champions who protect the lands and its people, often in the service of a king where they may be in a larger number of great battles. Chaotic Battle Juggernauts Warlords may work as mercenaries or may try and find his battles out on the traveled path. Evil Battle Juggernauts Warlords are truly fearsome foes and are intimidating and daunting villains, who take anything they want as it suits them, with little regard for who they hurt...or kill.
'''Starting Gold:''' 6d4 times 10 gp (125 gp).
{| class="zebra d20"
<div>{{Anchor|Table: The Battle JuggernautWarlord}}</div>
Hit Die: d12
! rowspan="2" | Level
====Class Features====
All of the following are class features of the Battle JuggernautWarlord.
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' Battle Juggernauts Warlords are proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and shields (including tower shields).
'''{{Anchor|Weapon Focus}}:''' A Battle Juggernaut Warlord gains [[SRD:Weapon_Focus|Weapon Focus]] as a bonus feat at first level and may take the feat with any weapon which he is proficient. Also, from 1st level forward a Battle JuggernautWarlord's levels also counts as, and stack with, fighter levels for the purpose of qualifying for weapon related feats such as weapon specialization and others.
'''{{Anchor|Fast Movement}}:''' A Battle Juggernauts Warlords land speed is faster than the norm for his race by +10 feet. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor and not carrying a heavy load. The Battle Juggernaut Warlord may also apply this speed while wearing heavy armor and not carrying a heavy load after receiving the Armor Mastery (heavy) ability at 9th level. Apply this bonus before modifying the Battle Juggernauts Warlords speed because of any load carried or armor worn. For example, a human Battle Juggernaut Warlord has a speed of 40 rather than 30 feet, when wearing light or no armor. When wearing medium armor or carrying a medium load, his speed drops to 30 feet. After receiving the Armor Mastery (medium) ability at 4th level, his speed would only drop back down to 30 feet for carrying a medium load, but would otherwise remain 40 feet in the medium armor. A Halfling Battle Juggernaut Warlord has a speed of 30 feet rather than 20 feet in light or no armor. When wearing medium armor or carrying a medium load his speed drops to 20 feet. After receiving the Armor Mastery (medium) ability at 4th level, his speed would only drop back down to 20 feet for carrying a medium load, but would otherwise remain 30 feet in the medium armor.
'''{{Anchor|Shield Block}}:''' Starting at 2nd level a Battle Juggernaut Warlord excels in using his armor and shield to fustrate his enemies attacks. During his action, he may designate a single opponent as the target of this ability. His shield bonus against that foe increases by +1. He moves his shield to deflect an oncoming blow, possibly providing just enough protection to turn a telling swing into a near miss. This shield bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 20th.
'''{{Anchor|Uncanny Dodge}}:''' At 2nd level a Battle Juggernaut Warlord gains the ability to react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat footed or is struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.If a Battle Juggernaut Warlord already has Uncanny Dodge from another class (such as a Battle Juggernaut Warlord with 2 levels of Barbarian, for example), he automatically gains Improved Uncanny Dodge (see below) instead.
'''{{Anchor|Sturdy Strike}}:''' At 3rd level, a Battle Juggernaut Warlord becomes able to place his attacks where they deal greater damage. He applies his Constitution bonus (if any) as a bonus on damage rolls (in addition to any Strength bonus he may have) with any weapon with which he is proficient. Targets immune to sneak attacks or critical hits are immune to the Battle Juggernauts Warlords Sturdy Strike. A Battle Juggernaut Warlord may use this ability while wearing medium or heavy armors and while carrying no more than a medium load.
'''{{Anchor|Aura of Courage}}:''' Beginning at 3rd level, a Battle Juggernaut Warlord is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 10 feet of him gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This ability functions while the Battle Juggernaut Warlord is conscious, but not while he is unconscious or dead.
'''{{Anchor|Armor Mastery}}: (Medium/Heavy)''' Starting at 4th level a Battle Juggernaut Warlord wears his armor like a second skin and ignores the standard speed reduction for wearing any medium armors. Starting at 9th level, he ignores the speed reduction imposed by any heavy armors as well.
'''{{Anchor|Improved Uncanny Dodge}}:''' At 5th level and higher, a Battle Juggernaut Warlord can no longer be flanked; he can react to opponents on opposite sides of him as easily as he can react to a single attacker. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the Battle Juggernaut Warlord by flanking him, unless the attacker has 4 more rogue levels than the target has Battle Juggernaut Warlord levels. If a character already has Uncanny Dodge (see above) from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minumum level a rogue must be to get sneak attack by flanking the character.
'''{{Anchor|Bonus Feat}}:''' At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter (8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th), a Battle Juggernaut Warlord gains a bonus feat which he must choose from the following list, or from any other feat(s) along these lines that is deemed by the DM to be relevant and appropriate to the class: <br/><br/>
(Players Handbook): Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Whirlwind Attack, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Endurance, Diehard, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Improved Critical, Improved inniative, Improved Shield Bash, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bullrush, Improved Sunder, Quick Draw, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Specialization<br/><br/>
(Races of Stone): Exotic Armor Proficiency, Exotic Shield Proficiency, Heavy Armor Optimization, Greater Heavy Armor Optimization, Knockback<br/><br/>
'''{{Anchor|Staredown}}:''' At 6th level, a Battle Juggernaut Warlord becomes able to strike fear into his foes by his mere presence. He gains a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks, and can demoralize an opponent (as described in the Intimidate skill description, page 76 of The Players Handbook).
'''{{Anchor|Stand Still}}:''' At 6th level, a Battle Juggernaut Warlord gains the [[SRD:Stand_Still|Stand Still]] feat as a bonus feat. <br/>
'''{{Anchor|Tough Skinned}}:''' At 7th level, a Battle Juggernaut Warlord gains the ability to shrug off some amount of injury from most attacks. He gains damage reduction 2/adamantine. At 10th level, and every 3 Battle Juggernaut Warlord levels thereafter (13th, 16th, and 19th level), this damage reduction increases by 2 points until he has damage reduction 10/adamantine at 19th level.
'''{{Anchor|Improved Flanking}}:''' A Battle Juggernaut Warlord of 8th level or higher who is flanking an opponent gains a +4 bonus on attack rolls instead of the +2 bonus on attacks. (Other characters without this ability that are flanking with the Battle Juggernaut Warlord do not gain this increased bonus).
'''{{Anchor|Rapid Metabolism}}:''' Beginning at 8th level a Battle Juggernaut Warlord is in such firm control of his own metabolism that he gains a +2 bonus on fortitude saves against poisons. In addition, a number of times per day equal to his constitution modifier, as a free action he can enter a state that lasts for 2 minutes. While in this state, the Battle Juggernaut Warlord gains fast healing 1.At 13th level a Battle Juggernauts Warlords control over his metabolism improves. His bonus on fortitude saves against poisons increases to +4 and while in his rapid metabolism state he gains fast healing 2. At 17th level his control improves again granting him a +6 bonus on fortitude saves against poison and while in his rapid metabolism state he gains fast healing 5.
'''{{Anchor|Distracting Stare}}:''' At 9th level, a Battle JuggernautWarlord's Staredown ability unnerves foes in such a manner that any creature affected by the Battle Juggernauts Warlords Staredown ability (or any of its later improvements, including Frightful presence) take a -4 penalty on attack rolls while attacking any of the Battle Juggernauts Warlords allies that are within 30 feet the Battle JuggernautWarlord.
'''{{Anchor|Mass Staredown}}:''' At 10th level, a Battle Juggernaut Warlord has sufficient presence that he can cow multiple foes. Using an Intimidate check the Battle Juggernaut Warlord can demoralize all opponents within 30 feet with a single standard action.
'''{{Anchor|Improved Staredown}}:''' At 14th level, even a glance from the hard eyes of a Battle Juggernaut Warlord is enough to give his foes pause. The Battle Juggernaut Warlord can demoralize foes within 30 feet as a move action, not a standard action.
'''{{Anchor|Weakening Critical}}:''' A Battle Juggernaut Warlord of 14th level or higher who scores a critical hit against a creature also deals 2 points of Strength damage to the creature. Creatures immune to critical hits are immune to this effect. With a weapon whos critical multiplier is higher than X2, the Battle Juggernaut Warlord also increases the amount of Strength damage done, up to 4 points with a X3 weapon, and 6 points with a X4.
'''{{Anchor|Wounding Critical}}:''' A Battle Juggernaut Warlord of 19th level or higher who scores a critical hit against a creature also deals 2 points of constitution damage to the creature. (This damage is in addition to the Strength damage dealt by the Battle Juggernauts Warlords weakening critical class feature). Creatures immune to critical hits are immune to this effect. With a weapon whos critical multiplier is higher than X2, the Battle Juggernaut Warlord also increases the amount of Constitution damage done, up to 4 points with a X3 weapon, and 6 points with a X4.
'''{{Anchor|Frightful Presence}}:''' At 20th level, a Battle Juggernauts Warlords strength, durability and fighting prowess have become legendary. When the Battle Juggernaut Warlord draws his weapon, any opponents within 30 feet with less hit dice than the Battle Juggernaut Warlord must succeed on a will save (DC 20 + the Battle Juggernauts Warlords Charisma modifier) or become panicked for 4d6 rounds if they have 1/4 of the Battle Juggernauts Warlords hit dice or less, or frightened for 4d6 rounds if they have 1/2 the Battle Juggernauts Warlords hit dice or less, or shaken for 4d6 rounds if they have between 1/2 and up to the same hit dice as the Battle JuggernautWarlord. Creatures with more hit dice than the Battle Juggernaut Warlord are not affected. Any foe that successfully resists the effect cannot be affected again by the same Battle Juggernauts Warlords frightful presence for 24 hours.
====Human Battle Juggernaut Warlord Starting Package====
'''Weapons:''' Bastard Sword.
'''Gold:''' 6d4 X 10.
===Epic Battle JuggernautsWarlords===
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|+ class="epic" |
<div>{{Anchor|Table: The Epic Battle JuggernautWarlord}}</div>
Hit Die: d12
'''Rapid Metabolism:''' At 21st level and every 4.5 levels thereafter (26th, 30th, 35th, etc) an Epic Battle Juggernaut Warlord an additional +1 to their fast healing while in their Rapid Metabolism state.
'''Tough Skinned:''' The epic Battle JuggernautWarlord's Tough Skinned ability increases by an additional +2 every 3 levels higher than 19th (12/Admantine at 22nd, 14/Adamantine at 25th, and so on).
'''{{Anchor|Bonus Feats }}:''' The epic Battle Juggernaut Warlord gains a bonus feat every 3 levels after 20th.
'''{{Anchor|Epic Staredown}}:''' At 27th level the Battle Juggernaut Warlord has become a master of instilling fear in others. His bonus on using intimidate checks to demoralize opponents goes from +4 to +10 and the save of his frightful presence ability increases to 25 + the Battle Juggernauts Warlords Charisma modifier.
===Campaign Information===
====Playing a Battle JuggernautWarlord====
'''Religion:''' Most Battle Juggernauts Warlords will worship Heironeous or Hextor based on their alignment, but its not at all uncommon for Battle Juggernauts Warlords to worship any other deity that has the War domain in their portfolio and has a similar alignment to the Battle JuggernautsWarlords.
'''Other Classes:''' Being on the front lines of battle, the Battle Juggernaut Warlord always appreciate clerics and healing magics. They also have a respect for the destructive power of arcane magic. They are also smart enough to understand the advantages gained by advanced scouting and tactical information and respect stealthy classes accordingly, even if they feel them to be much weaker in combat. Battle Juggernauts Warlords feel fairly neutrally about other warriors but internally feel them all to be inferior in overall skill and ability.
'''Role:''' Simple and straight forward, a Battle Juggernauts Warlords role in the party is to take down tough opponents and to protect the other members of the party to the best of his ability. To assist him in this task, a Battle Juggernaut Warlord also has a series of abilities that give morale penalties to his foes.
'''Advancement:''' If Battle Juggernauts Warlords choose to leave the path of a Battle JuggernautWarlord, likely they would do so for another class that further bolstered their combat prowess and battle techniques. For example classes such as Cavalier, Exotic Weapon Master, Kensai, Knight of the Chalice, Knight Protector or similar combat prestige classes. Alternatively a Battle Juggernaut Warlord may take some levels in Fighter in order to specialize in a certain weapon or technique.
====Battle Juggernauts Warlords in the World====
{{quote|I've never seen anything like him, so confident, and so strong. Our blows were like nothing to him. We outnumbered him 6 to 1, and he looked at us and said to us "Guys, this really isn't a fair fight! .. Your gonna need more people." .. Boy was he right ...|orig=Dekthar, Half-Orc Fighter}}
'''Adventures:''' Most Battle Juggernauts Warlords will adventure for the usual reasons of warriors; that being trying to amass riches and power, or in order to find and defeat powerful opponents to test themselves in battle and just for the thrill of fighting and of battle. All Battle Juggernauts Warlords love being in battle and taking on powerful opponents.
'''Notables:''' Melgathak "Skull Breaker" Govanakmalthaloak, Goliath Battle Juggernaut Warlord who, legend has it, once lead an army of just over 1,000 men into battle, against an army of 3,500 strong. When the battle was over, they say he was the only living thing left standing.
'''Organizations:''' Battle Juggernauts Warlords have never met in mass and would not do so without a very strong case that affected them all. Even were such a situation reality, no way is known to find or track down all of the Battle Juggernauts Warlords in existence.
'''NPC Reactions:''' Anyone looking to hire a mercenary, whether to kill someone or just to provide protection, would love the prospect of a Battle JuggernautWarlord. Most commoners would likely be terrified of a typical Battle JuggernautWarlord. Battle Juggernauts Warlords are not known for their outgoing personalities or polite demeanors, and when an NPC looks into a Battle Juggernauts Warlords eyes, and sees no fear .. he has to wonder: What wont this guy do?
====Battle Juggernaut Warlord Lore====
Characters with a lore skill or ranks in Knowledge (History) can research Battle Juggernauts Warlords to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.
{| class="zebra d20"
! DC || class="left" | Result
| 5 || class="left" | Battle Juggernauts Warlords are fearless and powerful brutes that excel in battle and are nearly impossible to surprise.
| 10 || class="left" | Battle Juggernauts Warlords move faster than average warriors and are experts with armor and shields. They even are capable of moving equally fast while wearing heavier or bulkier armors as well.
| 15 || class="left" | Battle Juggernauts Warlords are tougher than most other warriors and can seemingly shrug off some blows with ease, and it has even been said that their wounds sometimes close themselves on the battle field.
| 20 || class="left" | Master Battle Juggernauts Warlords are fearsome creatures indeed, A master Battle Juggernaut Warlord can sap the strength and life force right out of an opponent with a well placed blow, and has a very disturbing presence, just a hard glance from one of them can send shivers right through a person, making lesser warriors run screaming in fear, and making it hard for even tougher warriors to keep their nerves about them.
===Battle Juggernauts Warlords in the Game===
'''Adaptation:''' in your campaign, there may be in a very large city or capital, an elite squadron of Battle Juggernauts Warlords who go on top secret covert missions for the king, or alternatively, maybe a group of Battle Juggernauts Warlords in the city guard deal with stronger or more unruly trouble makers. Another idea may be to have a singular Battle Juggernaut Warlord be a captive warrior in a Colosseum, acting as a gladiator and a PC may find themselves captive as well, and the Battle Juggernaut Warlord could be their first opponent.
'''Sample Encounter:''' The PC's are in a city, when they are either mistaken for someone else who possibly has wronged the Battle Juggernaut Warlord or owes him a large sum of money., Alternatively, the PC's have been falsely accused of ratting on a local Battle Juggernaut Warlord to the city guard or a local crime lord who is making life rather difficult for the Battle JuggernautWarlord. Regardless, the PC's get lost and/or are lead to a dead end alley, as they realize its a dead end, they turn around to head back, to find a very disgruntled Battle Juggernaut Warlord who has a bone to pick with them.