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|}{{#set:Summary=You create a strange mushroom which fire damaging color sprays.}}
You create a strongly magical mushroom , this invocation behave as the [[Instantaneous Mushroom (3.5e Invocation)|''instantaneous mushroom'']] invocation. As a free action once per turn round you may have a burst of magic releases from the one of your enchanted mushroom, replicating the effect of ''[[Color Spray, Eiji (3.5e Spell)|color spray (eiji)]]'' and dealing 1 point of pure magical damage to every creature within the cone. If a creature fails its save against the effect it is also affected by a [[SRD:Confusion|''confusion'']] effect for 1 round/level.
The mushroom become a mundane giant mushroom after 10 minutes passed. It should be noted that both it magical and mundane version glow as the [[SRD:Daylight|''daylight'']] spell, except they do not disturb creature with light sensitivity or light blindness.