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Duskken (5e Race)

1 byte removed, 19:24, 30 May 2018
Duskken Traits
|darkvisioncolor=blue<!-- blank=gray; or color of darkvision-->
|trait1desc=While in {{srd5lc|Dim Light}} or {{srd5lc|Darkness}} they may use a {{srd5lc|Bonus Action}} to {{srd5lc|Disengage}} and assume a black, amorphous shape that can move through a space spaces as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. Any {{srd5lc|Equipment}} they were wearing or carrying also becomes amorphous. Once they end their movement, they are no longer amorphous and may not use this ability again until they finish a {{srd5lc|Long Rest}}.
|trait2name=Shadow Stealth
|trait2desc=While in dim light or darkness, they may use a {{srd5lc|Bonus Action}} to use the {{srd5lc|Hide}} action.

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