Created page with "{{5epointer|Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron|Eberron}} {{5e Subrace Pointer |name=Skirmisher <!--Subrace Name--> |sorttext= <!--blank; else category sort--> |aka= <!--opt 2nd name..."
{{5epointer|Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron|Eberron}}
{{5e Subrace Pointer
|name=Skirmisher <!--Subrace Name-->
|sorttext= <!--blank; else category sort-->
|aka= <!--opt 2nd name of race subrace-->
|pub=Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron <!--Publication subrace is from-->
|parentNS=p <!-- s=SRD5, p=pointer, u=user creation -->
|size= <!--Medium, Large, etc.-->
|align= <!--opt alignment tendancy-->
|abilitynote= <!--blank, note such as Choice of-->
|str= <!-- +1, +2, etc. -->
|feature1=Swift <!--1st Feature Name (Name Only)-->
|feature2=Light Step <!--2nd Feature Name-->
|feature3= <!--Repeat up to 20 features-->
|desc=Agile and quick warforged <!--UNOFFICIAL/UNPLAGIARIZED description of the monster-->
{{5e Subrace Pointer
|name=Skirmisher <!--Subrace Name-->
|sorttext= <!--blank; else category sort-->
|aka= <!--opt 2nd name of race subrace-->
|pub=Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron <!--Publication subrace is from-->
|parentNS=p <!-- s=SRD5, p=pointer, u=user creation -->
|size= <!--Medium, Large, etc.-->
|align= <!--opt alignment tendancy-->
|abilitynote= <!--blank, note such as Choice of-->
|str= <!-- +1, +2, etc. -->
|feature1=Swift <!--1st Feature Name (Name Only)-->
|feature2=Light Step <!--2nd Feature Name-->
|feature3= <!--Repeat up to 20 features-->
|desc=Agile and quick warforged <!--UNOFFICIAL/UNPLAGIARIZED description of the monster-->