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Self-Binding Jar (3.5e Equipment)

39 bytes added, 04:22, 30 August 2018
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This red jewel acts as the focus for the ''[[SRD:Magic Jar|magic jar]]'' spell. It is melded somewhere on your body and when you cast ''magic jar'' your body vanishes, hidden within the jewel. If you possess a creature you can choose the red jewel to appear somewhere on the body of your host creature, thus ensuring you keep your focus close by.
The jewel is a fine sized object (AC 18) that has hardness 20 and 40 hp. If it is broken while your body inhabits it you will die as normal for the ''magic jar'' spelland your corpse appears from the jewel. While you inhabit the jewel it radiates your alignment.
Prerequisites: [[SRD:Craft Wondrous Item|Craft Wondrous Item]], ''[[SRD:Resilient Sphere|resilient sphere]]''.<br/>

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