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Sublime Grandmaster (3.5e Prestige Class)

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In the realm of the sublime waySublime Way, a few seek to master all discipline disciplines, while most focus on a few which fit their ways the best. The Sublime Grandmaster take takes this a step further, by focusing entirely on a single discipline at the cost of her mastery in others. While they retain their learned skills in the discipline disciplines mostly left behind, they acheieve achieve true greatness with their chosen discipline.
===Becoming a Sublime Grandmaster===
|otherpowerreq=Must be able to initiate a 7th level maneuver and at least two of either 5th of 6th level, all of which must belong to the discipline you wish to master.
|special=Must study a discipline's founding text for at least six months and train under another Sublime Grandmaster for at least three months. The other Sublime Grandmaster may have mastered another discipline; however, however it must be similar to the discipline the character wish wishes to master.}}
{{3.5e Class Simple
All of the following are class features of the Sublime Grandmaster.
'''Maneuvers:''' At 1st level and every level beyond, you gain a new maneuver known from your specialized discipline. You must meet a maneuver’s prerequisite prerequisites to learn it. You add your full sublime grandmaster levels to your initiator level to determine your total initiator level and your highest-level maneuvers known. At 3rd level and 5th level, you gain an additional maneuver readied per day.
'''Stances Known:''' At 3rd and 5th level, you learn a new martial stance from your specialized disciplines. You must meet a stance’s prerequisite to learn it.
'''{{Anchor|Specialized Discipline}}:''' A 1st -level Sublime Grandmaster choose chooses a single discipline, of which she meet meets the prerequisite prerequisites of Sublime Grandmaster with. This discipline if now her Specialized Discipline. She gain a +2 bonus on Initiator level and DC when using maneuver of the chosen discipline.
'''{{Anchor|Weapon Mastery}}:''' The Sublime Grandmaster gain gains [[SRD:Weapon Focus|Weapon Focus]] and [[SRD:Weapon Specialization|Weapon Specialization]] with all weapons of her favored discipline. If the Sublime Grandmaster already possess possesses both feat in for a weapon, she gain gains [[SRD:Greater Weapon Focus|Greater Weapon Focus]] with that weapon instead.
'''{{Anchor|Convert Maneuver}} {{Ex}}:''' A 2nd -level Sublime Grandmaster is capable of converting any readied maneuver of her specialized discipline into another to a maneuver of equal or lower level also belonging to itthat discipline.
'''{{Anchor|Counter Mastery}} {{Ex}}:''' A 3rd -level Sublime Grandmaster gain gains an additional immediate action per turn, ; however it can only be used for to initiate a [Counter] maneuver from her specialized discipline.
'''{{Anchor|Superior Stances}} {{Ex}}:''' A 4th -level Sublime Grandmaster is able to assume a single stance of her specialized discipline and one from another discipline at the same time.
'''{{Anchor|Supreme Greatness}} {{Ex}}:''' A 5th -level Sublime Grandmaster possess possesses incredible skill when using her specialized discipline, when . When she initiate initiates a strike from her specialized discipline , she gain gains the benefit of Weapon Supremacy<sup>PHB2</sup>.
If another initiator attempt attempts to initiate a maneuver of the Sublime Grandmaster's specialized discipline against her, he must attempt a an opposed initiator level checkagainst her. If it fail the Sublime Grandmaster wins the opposed check, the maneuver fail fails to activate, instead ; a strike become becomes a regular attack , a counter fails to function, and so on.

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