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Sympathetic Death (3.5e Flaw)

22 bytes removed, 06:48, 31 October 2018
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|summary=When you see non-opponents drop or die, your behavior becomes defensive and erratic.
|effect=Whenever you witness a non-opponent drop or die, be it a random innocent or one of your allies, you automatically become [[Revised Fear Effects (3.5e Variant Rule)|shaken]] (using revised fear effects) and [[At Bay (3.5e Condition)|At Bay]] from any creature or creatures of the same sort (such as any number of Ice Devils) in the encounter for 24 hours or the creature is brought back to consciousness. You are also shaken for 1 round after succeeding on any [Death] effect yourself. If the creature dies and dies obviously or especially horribly such as their body being torn apart or otherwise rendered unable to be subject to ''[[SRD:Raise Dead|raise dead]]'', then they are frightened instead. This bypasses immunities.
|special=A {{Property Link|Flaw Grants|Dungeons and Dragons Wiki:Article Balance#Moderate Balance|Moderate bonus feat}} feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites.

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